#spooky #top5 #hauntedstories #hauntedhouse #paranormal #creepy #ghost #ghosts
In this video we will explore 5 of the most convincing photographs of ghosts I have found.
Let me know in the comments, are they fake or real?
If you enjoyed the video you can take a look at my other videos on my channel here:
I upload spooky and scary videos twice per week!
#spooky #top5 #hauntedstories #hauntedhouse #paranormal #creepy #ghost #ghosts
Check out my other videos
Top 5 haunted hotels you should not visit
Top 5 ghosts caught on camera
Top 5 cases of reincarnation
Top 5 horrifying ghosts caught on camera
Thanks for the support.
Cool, youre new. Keep making videos man. Im gonna sub. Thank you for posting all this creepy, inexplicable shit. I cant get enough. Thanks again.
That last one is terrifying