![This chicken was disabled during a religious ritual. Then someone gave her another chance at life.](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/This-chicken-was-disabled-during-a-religious-ritual-Then-someone-818x490.jpg)
This chicken was disabled during a religious ritual. Then she got another chance at life.
Check out Clara’s story: https://www.instagram.com/uncleneilshome/
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I wonder about all the sacrificing that is referred to in the Old Testament. How could this please the God that made them? So many animals sacrificed century after century. How can it make sense?
I feel the same way about chickens.
If anyone consumes anything made from animals, you're no better than the people swinging these chickens so y'all in the comment section need to do some self reflection and see what your actions cause before "throwing stones".
I'm not defending anyone's actions, but like where do you get off condemning people for the same pain and suffering you cause daily every time you make a purchase at a grocery store.
I'm thankful my religion taught and practices respect for ALL life.
There are also practices in other parts of the world where once every few years they take an animal to place and they are killed right on the spot. Over a hundred thousand animals have their lives taken in the name of one person at a single event. Luckily animal right activists have shut most of the "sacrificing", down although it is still allowed.
But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’
For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.
The reason 'Jewish' Old Testament-only religious nutcases hate Jesus is because Jesus revealed with his words and by example how God wanted people to perceive his teachings through the Old Testament and apply it to their worldly lives, an example of this is when God tested Abraham to offer up his only begotten son that he loved more than anything in the world… this 'test' demonstrated Abraham would sacrifice what he loved the most in the whole world just to serve God despite what God instructed him to do, he demonstrated to God his faith is through thick and thin, it's unconditional. God told him to stop when Abraham was going to kill his son for God to demonstrate his faith (despite how much he didn't want to do it) and this was a precursor for God doing the exact same thing for Abraham's descendants, God would offer his only begotten son that he loves more than anything to save Abraham's descendants along with the gentiles who caused so much suffering for God's 'chosen' people.
What God wants true believers to do is study him and develop greater understandings of spirituality and concepts beyond the material world, for example love.
When God wanted sacrifices for the sins of his chosen people he wanted people like Abraham, he was testing their 'faith' in God to see who truly loved him.
What God was seeking was people to know God's will, not mindless obedient 'robots' to obey without questioning and interpreting given instructions.
Basically, God wanted those people in that generation to reflect on their circumstances, that they were created in God's image (Adam in genesis) and because of their sins God considers his other LIVING creations more 'clean' than his chosen people; Man was made to reflect God's will, having dominion over all living creations and because of their sins God wanted them to realize animals are more holy than they are and man has nothing else to offer God for their sins against him until Jesus was born.
y'all need to stop wasting resources and throw that fucker in a deep fryer
Killing an animal for a religious ritual? Disgusting. I only kill animals for eating.
People are the dangerous ones, not God's animals 🌈
XOXOXO <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 🙂 😀 , The Earth and Universe and its inhabitants ThankYou very much for being a Compassionate force – to counter the terror Especially, those deemed lesser which is exact scapegoating and "Projective" 'abuse' You are Wonderful the fact that you thought about this being as feeling pain and sentient needing care also and not trauma is a Real Human and a Humane Humanity + I like to be apart of and Live amongst those without this cascade into shallow fakery and also aligning communism and Fascism (etc)., all the other psychopathic archetypes.
Sounds like they need to drop the old rituals from ancient times. They need to evolve.
Thank you to the sanctuaries that rescue everyday. Lots of love to you all.
Bless you for the good work you do "Blessed are the merciful,they will obtain mercy"
God bless you🙏
Killing to get rid of their sins? How does that work? What kind of God asks his followers to harm another living being? They just gave themselves some bad karma to be paid later on that’s all they’re doing. Instead of getting rid of their sins, they gave themselves more.
Proverbs 12:10a The righteous care for the needs of their animals.
Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they does it from a religious conviction. 🤨
Im.so hppy she was saved🥰❤🥰!! Still sad that her leg wasnt propely fixed by vet cause those bones sre clearly wrong way to put ..that cause her lifetime pain walking,standing,going down and getting up. I wish vet would be more professionals when they fix broken legs in farm animals 😞 Or mayby these rescuers should change they vet to someone that heal animals broken bones etc in right way..not like this when animal will suffer rest of they lives because abusive humans and vets that dont do they work right(they did multiple x-ray so they have saw all the time that bones were not right position to healed good. But at least she wasnt had to feel those horrors in farms/ritual monsters hands anymore and that one good thing that she is place that wont kill and eat her for profit❤
Straight EVIL!
Isn't religion wonderful……..
so cute ,….blessed be all the kind souls who cares for these vulnerable and defenceless creatures
Similar to the dogs in China that are tortured before they kill them. We here in America do not eat dogs…but we do eat chickens. How are the chickens we eat killed? Doubt it’s with the use of torture…but it surely is not without pain. P.s. I am not a vegetarian.
So it's a case of "wooooooo……I'll whirl this chicken around my head and my imaginary friend will look kindly upon me".
All religion should be banned. The deluded people who actually believe in gods, hobgoblins, demons and fairies have something mentally wrong with them. Their delusions allow them to be cruel to humans and animals in the belief that their chosen mythical being desires it and will forgive them.
I'm so tired of animal abuse hiding behind the "religious freedom" mantra, anywhere on the globe. Enough already. It's 2021. AD, not BC. Thank you for helping and loving her.
It's a satanic practice..
Religion is ironically the source of many evils and intolerance.
I don't believe in any religion or God, i only trust and love animals and only befriend animal loving people.
"Dumb" animals are always at the receiving end of cruelty by "intelligent" humans.
Thank you for saving this precious little life.
This is the most adorable and heartwarming story. Thank you for being a good samaritan. Blessings 🙏🙏
So happy to see her run around in the end ..
How to abuse animals & get away with it: put the word religion in front of it.
Turns out all we can be is Inside us.
Religion's just more BS people use to appear 'nice'.
Once I do the same with a gauil! And she lived a happy and active life full of joy and love.
Thankyou for Saving her from people's disgusting religious beliefs, ideologies & Rituals
Religion (or at least this practice) fails to see the animals as sentient beings. Most religions have the rule "respect/love your neighbor". That includes all beings, not just humans.
Great work, guys. So glad we have people like you. ❤
Oh … what disgusting people and rituals. Perhaps they should try being nice kind people then they wouldn't need to torture chickens and other animals!
How would they like it is someone picked them up by their arm or leg and swung them around in circles? IDIOTS! Shame on you!
No “religious organization ” would be doing this in 2021. It’s a cult or a bunch of fanatics.
can people pick up and swing people like that around by the neck using an industrial crane?