Game Fails: Recap for the week of August 19th w/Michael & Kerry

Game Fails: Recap for the week of August 19th w/Michael & Kerry
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  1. there was a borderlands 2 easter egg where a lmg/sniper rifle in xbox was called the white death and in the pc it was called the lyuda. thats an old reference dating back to WWII where there was a legendary polish sniper called simo hyaha AKA the white death and a legendary russian sniper named lyuda. its refering to the console wars between xbox and pc. the white death is the xbox and the lyuda is the pc. look for more info search overlooked easter egg??? on yoteslayas channel.

  2. auriels bow from skyrim dawnguard dlc. auriel is aldmeri name to akatosh.
    basically just ultimate vampire killing weapon whit sun arrows but will make sun black with blood cursed arrows that means vampires don't take sun damage while outside at day

  3. If you want to play with someone who does own it, yes you do. The only thing the dlc gives you is the maps. You have to actually own the game in order to play with other people who own the game. If you buy the dlc for reach you're playing with other people who own reach.

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