These videos are filmed and editied from me personally to show you all my personal relationships with all the kids I have here…some will never understand the mental complex it takes to live inside the headspace of a variety of different species and bond/understand them ! I hope these long videos can reach the world in a sense of not only who I am to these animals but who they are to us as a whole … sentiment beings!
These animals mean the world to me and its a lot to digest into 1 video but one day ill have enough knowledge ,resources, finances, time to put together something in the sense of film that’s shorter and more digestible for the common person to comprehend !
I can run circles around the content creators of social media in the animal department and any field I adjust my mind to compete in but I don’t wake up everyday and think about others or the competitive urge to satisfy my ego I wake up and think about how I can become a better version of myself to be able to care for the animals universally !
the important thing is this : to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become!
I feel I’m good at what I do but I want to be the best and with that some changes have to be made in my daily personal and business life!
I make these long videos for you to see what my animals look like health wise and live like weather they are in a group or as an individual …its all on me to provide for them what is needed to survive and thrive in captivity!
I may not be around for forever but hopefully these videos will show you who I am through the animals that spend the most time with me more than anyone else!
if your a real animal lover you’ll understand more than the next person who isn’t but these relationships aren’t built overnight and I wouldn’t be able to share the particular characteristics from each and every individual animal down to a tee if it was a full staff caring for them and I just roll the camera when its game time to film ……the difference between me and everyone else is this isn’t my hobby its my life and Im always on gametime 247 365..
its not the strongest or most intelligent who will survive but those who can best adapt …
Charles Darwin
love you guys and gals
enjoy the video comment your thoughts if you can make it to the end…
I love the relationship you have with every single one of your them so relaxing
kangaroo what the hell wow
wow your animals r on another level bretle carpet phytons i thinks their called really nice i want it lol all your animals are just so well taking care is crazy
I really admire you bro your an amazing person to care for the animals the way you do
Love all the dogs….all my favs….
He was playing with the most dangerous animal
Great content 🔥 what type of camera do you have? The quality’s amazing.
Warms my heart seeing you with your animals those pits are beautiful, keep up the great work you do brother
You should do a poll and see who gets the most votes
Pumbaa by a long shot
where are you for your nft holders no where to be found
Your awesome mike
Will you ever get a Komodo?
im very greatful for you,
He lives the most peaceful and cool life I wish I could be surrounded by all the cool exotic animals u get to be around
Tuna fish lol….
Tarzann ya camera too good. It’s focused focused… love the video and the vibes. I’ve always loved animals but common perception is black folk can’t like reptiles cause they black. Long story short I spent way too long worried about what people think but I got my reptile family now and I love watching ya page seeing you and the animals in action along with all the other reptile people just very very encouraging. Keep at it. May the Lord Jesus continue to bless you in all ya endeavors.
Is that a UFC octogon in your garden?
Beautiful animals man. Have a sumbawa myself 👊
I immediately fell in love with Sammy. Like I got all warm hearted and teary eyed watching the interaction between y’all. Jack is also a favorite. He’s so playful and child like. I completely innerstand your love for snakes as I’m the same way since a kid. Honestly love watching the bond between you and your babies. I can watch it all day.
good work bro trying to get like u one day
I deadass watched this whole video and I’m so happy for you and everything you are doing. Idk you in real life and you don’t know me but I’m genuinely happy for you. Your energy is so nice and you are such a humble man. I wish you nothing but more blessings and happiness !! God bless you Tarzan 💪
What kinda dragon is that?? I don't believe you told us what type of monitor the croc monitor is. I mean he definitely looked like a croc monitor. Not a dragon am I confused and wrong what kinda animal that is?
Bro why you put that picture on fb about your girl don’t do that that’s show us you don’t love her for shyt you almost can see her thing men don’t use her to get views keep doing the good jod and clean videos