When two tourists from Canada spotted a cat on the freeway, they didn’t what to do. They called the shelter, and I was amazed by what they told them!!!
I had to do this rescue alone, I calculated everything perfectly, and somehow, this #SquidGame had TWO WINNERS!!!
It is #GivingTuesday and we have a MATCHING DONATION with a serious GOAL to meet: https://www.hopeforpaws.org/Giving_Tuesday_2021
Thanks to so many #HopeForPaws supporters, we are already halfway through!
Every donation you can make will be DOUBLED! We just can’t let any of these funds go unmatched so please… $3, $5, $10 – whatever you can, will be DOUBLED and will make a huge impact so we can continue doing CrAzY rescues like this
Meanwhile, Squid is waiting for at least 456 applications to be filled for him so he can pick the winner! Our friends at Kitty Bungalow are fostering him and will handle his adoption here: https://www.KittyBungalow.org
Thank you so much for supporting Hope For Paws!
Thank you for what you do. Cheers!
Thank god for you and your patience! Squid is safe now because of you, he wasn't in a good place on the motorway, he will soon have a forever home as he is a lovely boy
yeah alot of people in canada probably has not heard of hope for paws, im canadian and i found you guys here on youtube a few ago. i enjoy watching these videos where you help save animals
To see that little kitties head pop up out of the sewer was so adorable
Beautiful cat. Anyone else saying out loud "Get in…get in…GOTCHA!" This lovely cat won't have long before he finds a forever, loving home (if he hasn't already).
He looks just like my Binxy

That’s what you do!!! Save animals when no one will.
What a lovely beauty thank you for saving him
Thank goodness for those alert Canadians who called just surprised no one else did just really surprised they didn't know as I am sure other Canadians do know about you as well as the whole world I think. Glad you got Squid safely I wonder if they will try and inquire about adopting this lovely cat who is pretty lucky. Pls donate folks or join as a member no matter where you are from if the links here don't work contact HFP directly online sure they can help you work something out.
Hopefully these tourists become a member of "Hope For Paws"
I have five black cats three girls and two boys and they are so sweet.
Fantástico o resgate,ele é lindo e meigo
People should take the bus, it is too jammy there.
Eldad is a hero of our modern time.

To think that without you, he may have become another statistic as a “roadkill”
You gave him a chance Eldad and I’m so glad I’m a supporter and hope others would donate even a little 

Thank you Hope For Paws

I love your vids and rescue animals that are hurt or homeless keep doing it, it will save animals that is hurt or homeless : )
For once I’m thankful for LA traffic. Thank you for saving him.
What a beautiful boy
You are a rock star.
nice rescue and good that got into the trap so fast!!! Black cats are so wonderful
This is why cats are not adopted because they have a little bit of black on them but this one is fully black .when I grow up I would try to get as many diffrent cats as I can
Thanks i got him safe in my home!! Thanks for bringing him to me he is a happy cute little with my other kittey
Thank u so much for taking action .And rescuing that little kitty from the hwy , and thanks to the tourists that called it in hope for paws is a Angel watching saving our furry friends
Awr well done Eldad so glad he was rescued hes lovely , hope he soon gets his forever home .. much love from England x
Maybe some monster dumped this poor 1 year old creature.
•-• you guys are so late to this
AnimalControl is a pretty useless organization that should be disbanded
Sorry I am not working. I decide no to put the evil vaccination. I will keep sending you my small donation every month. I wish I can help you more
WELL DONE! Bravo !!!!!
Awesome rescue, you guys are heroes !
One of my cats is watching this cute cat play. How nice it is to see these people rescue these animals. Thank you for all you do.
How do I get a Hope for Paws blanket?