High-level eruption at Semeru volcano, ash to 15.2 km (50 000 feet) a.s.l., Indonesia
The Aviation Color Code was raised to Red.
Ash has reportedly completely blocked out the Sun over the area.
In this video were used:
As Above, So Below by Savfk
Youtube channel Savfk https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXlppUGWeGtHBp_1xKsawmQ Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
#semeruvolcano #indonesia #semeru #volcanoeruption #breaking #breakingnews #volcano #java
#semeru #eruption #LaPalmaVolcano #LaPalma #amazing #clouds #landslide #windstorm #waterspout #earthquake #storm #hailstorm #volcanoeruption #flood #flooding #flashfloods #landslide #fire #snowstorm #flooding2021 #mothernatureangry #caughtoncamera #cataclysm #chaveweather #naturaldisasters #naturaldisasters2021 #news #newsdecember3 #agony #agonyofmotherearth #powerful
To think one time earth was just covered in smoke wow 😯
I learned something from Indonesia, because I learned it because Indonesia is listed as a country with the highest natural disaster area in the world.
Nature in Indonesia is too beautiful and also very deadly, Indonesia is ranked 1 in the world with the most natural disasters, recorded more than 2,200 in 2021. That's why many tourists who actually want to go to Indonesia, but discouraged from going to Indonesia. Natural disasters in Indonesia always occur and are the most in the world, not only volcanoes but all natural disasters. Indonesia is very beautiful but very deadly. I love Indonesia but I don't have the courage to face its natural disasters. Even natural disasters in Japan, the Philippines, China, India, Italy, Chile, Mexico and the USA are not as many cases of natural disasters that occurred in Indonesia.
Even the biggest natural disaster tragedies in the world that often occur from Indonesia have an impact on other countries, believe it or not, the tragedies of natural disasters in Indonesia are widely recorded internationally along with the number of victims. It's terrible if you add them all up. Therefore, Indonesia only has a small number of tourists compared to other countries because Indonesia has the following predicate:
In my country no volcano..pls save them ya Allah
Oh god …so sorry for the victims who were affected by this eruption …may God bless them🇧🇦🇮🇩❤️
Volcanoes are still active around the world
Allah marah
Harus grajin solat
The beginning of The big payback🇲🇦📉🇲🇾📉
Smoga Allah berikan ketabahan..dan segera Allah berikan kebaikan keadaan yang lebih baik..
May ALLAH be with you 🇮🇩.
Pray for east Java Indonesia 🇮🇩🙏
Amin 🙏
Terimakasih semua atas do'a nya.. Dari kami warga indonesia🙏
I'll never understand why people live next to volcanoes. Then this happens 👀
There was a solar eclipse today also.
Message from bible God's word in R evelations 22 14,15 blessed are those who wash their robes that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the s exually immoral, the m urderers, the i dolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood,
2 T hessalonians 1 8 9 dealing out retribution to those who do not know G od and to those who do not obey the gospel of our L ord J esus. These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power,
M atthew 10 33 everyone who denies J esus, he will also deny before the Father in h eaven We need to R epent our sins, confess with our mouth & believe J esus is L ord, get baptized, read bible, draw near to God today tomorrow can be too late. G od bless. Amen.
حفظكم الله
Oh my God,it reminds the mount pinatubo erruption in 1991in my country Phil.
Pls pray for Indonesia ❤️🙏