Garlic Noodles DUNGENESS CRAB!! 🦀 TOP SECRET Family Recipe – San Francisco Crab Tour!!

Garlic Noodles DUNGENESS CRAB!! 🦀 TOP SECRET Family Recipe - San Francisco Crab Tour!!
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SAN FRANCISCO – Welcome to San Francisco, California, and when it comes to eating, the king of all foods is the Dungeness crab. Today, we’re going on a Dungeness crab food tour in San Francisco. We’ll start at a local fish market, then to the popular tourist pier 39, and finish with legendary garlic Dungeness crab and garlic noodles.

Again, thank you to Visit California (and Visit San Francisco) for sponsoring my trip.

Alioto Lazio Fish Co ( – To begin this Dungeness crab tour in San Francisco we started with a trip to Alioto Lazio Fish Co, a generations-old family run seafood distributor. Among other seafoods, what they are most known for is Dungeness crab that you can buy live. They also offer small cups of pre shelled crab that you can taste test. It was a good way to begin this tour.

Crab House at Pier 39 ( – Next up, just down the road we headed over to Pier 39, probably the most famous of all places in all of San Francisco. Yes, it’s touristy, but it’s really nice and a great place to walk around, and of course to see the colony of California sea lions. For lunch we headed over to Crab House at Pier 39, a restaurant that of course focuses on Dungeness crab. Their famous dish is Dungeness crab served on a smoking iron skillet. The crab is roasted in butter, bathed in a secret spice sauce mixture, and drizzled in white wine tableside to smoke on the hot iron. The crabs were fantastic, sweet, and naturally delicious.

Thanh Long Restaurant ( – The Dungeness crab restaurant I was most looking forward to trying was Thanh Long Restaurant, a legendary Vietnamese American restaurant that was one of the first Vietnamese restaurants in San Francisco. It was amazing to hear a little behind the scenes of how the restaurant got started. The roasted crab and garlic noodles recipes are top secret – really a guarded family secret and they even have a secret kitchen to make them in where only family members are allowed. Their crabs are amazing, so garlicky and peppery, and then combined with the most addictive garlic noodles you’ve ever had in your life – it’s a heavenly combination.

And that completes this Dungeness crab tour in San Francisco!



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About the Author: Mark Wiens


  1. No matter what you eat. You make it look so delicious. Even the foreign foods not usually served. You eat and try anything? Don’t you get a sore stomach or diarrhoea? I wouldn’t be able to eat half of what you do.. and in a day lol Stay safe travelling and eating. Blessings.. Ngā mihi.. from Aotearoa New Zealand 🇳🇿

  2. I hate to be a bummer cause I love my food, but to see to poor little 🦀 one of God's creatures that they are boiled alive the poor little creatures it's so so sad, I know they're hella tasty, I don't know my heart goes out to these poor little miracles… Sorry folks for the downer message.. I love the channel love Mark and I love food, but sometimes I think too much sorry! ✌️🙏

  3. She said regarding the crabs, "Its just the best! There's no comparison!" Mark, Ying, & Micah that's EXACTLY how I feel about you all as Food Vloggers! Your just THE BEST! There is NO COMPARISON☺☺

  4. San Francisco has some of the absolute best Dungeness crabs ever!! If you have a chance treat yourself! Now Crustaceans…If your going to have it the best to place to have it is in SF!! I’m not saying Beverley Hills is bad because it’s not…but it’s not SF. When you eat those crabs…don’t be dignified really get after it because it is simply messy goodness! Don’t miss out on finger licking goodness being cute 😂 Mark THANK YOU. This is close to my old home town! ❤️✌🏾

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