NOT a Stock Market CRASH Video

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If you search the phrase “stock market” on YouTube the results you get are shocking. Correction, crash, big trouble, surviving the crash there is a clear theme among the recommended results. It’s a bizarre world where the SP500 is up nearly 24% this year alone but everyone on financial YouTube is pushing panic and fear. So why is this theme sold on this platform and why is it so disconnected from the facts.

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About the Author: MHFIN


  1. Your Candor, Humility & Honesty in willing to acknowledge the massive disconnects differentiate your videos from the rest. Nothing wrong w/ Ad Rev & click bait but your willingness now & in the past to pull back & admit your skepticism of a sponsor is respectable

  2. Can you explain to me why didn't inflation or the value of the dollar didn't go down when the government printed billions of dollars to give to Corporation who crashed the economy in 2008? what about the six trillion dollars we spend on Wars that we ultimately lost? Why is it when we want to better our infrastructure and give money to the poor in the middle of the pandemic all of a sudden the dollar is on the verge of crashing? What about all of those corporations who didn't prepare for a pandemic and we bailed out anyway like the airlines? Just asking.

  3. Could you speak to what would happen to securities if a currency were to default. For instance if a stock X is denominated in USD, what then occurs to the ownership of that stock? Does it simply flip currencies of the companies choosing or take on the next currency

  4. Your line cook comment sounds like you're punching down. Do you believe people should work for you and not enjoy a living wage? Also you're focusing a lot on the small stipend Americans received when it's not even double digits as a percentage of money printed by the U.S recently. Unless you're a capitalist trying to live a lavish lifestyle from their inherited investments, you're fighting the wrong fight. And spreading a misleading & misrepresented message.

  5. You nailed it. People blame the Fed but the Fed does not directly print money, they change it into other vehicles and move it around, but the supply stays the same. It is Congress that create money with deficit spending just as people create imaginary wealth by using a credit card. But the Fed has accelerated this deficit spending by keeping rates low for a decade now to try and prop up our commercial banking system. they have, so far, saved the bankers, but doomed working people and small businesses with the resulting inflation. Add in lockdowns and moribund small business, a major employer, have been devastated.

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