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From a creepy video of an alleged ghost dog to footage that may show a cryptid caught on camera, we ask the question: Are ghosts and cryptids all around us? (Evidence) #Ghost #ScaryVideos #SlappedHam
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7. Exploring Creepy Abandoned Hospital https://youtu.be/BviPAvaqkfc
6. oldfogeyjohn https://www.tiktok.com/@oldfogeyjohn/video/6983140804365733126
oldfogeyjohn https://www.tiktok.com/@oldfogeyjohn/video/6981573787519110406
5. Can anyone ID this figure? https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/ni1s5n/can_anyone_id_this_figure/
4. unknown creature watching my kids play https://www.tiktok.com/@wvparanormal/video/6993483518277897478
mother and kids scared by creature https://www.tiktok.com/@wvparanormal/video/6993853990098210054
3. lalaloveslocks https://www.tiktok.com/@lalaloveslocks/video/6924335128370105606
2. Sjukt!🤯 Kommentera vad ni tror det är? Tagga en / fler vänner som skulle vilja se denna video!👻 https://www.instagram.com/p/CVYHE7EI72Q/
1. Ghost dog posing in my family pic https://www.reddit.com/r/SlappedHam/comments/qvi9l1/ghost_dog_posing_in_my_family_pic/
Blue Sizzle – Madness Paranoia by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100385
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
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It funny that what ever was breaking into the garage seems to know where the camera's at it.
Dobby gone wild !!🖤
The garage break-in vid…You want to know what I think?…IT’S FREAKIN SCARY! Is it a Rake?
Please help me see the first clip 🙈 I just can't see it..
At 5:40 you can see 2 of them. One in the green and one at the garage door
No. 2 look like golum wondering around
"Did you see it?"
Oh wait, wrong channel again, I'll let myself out.
something breaking my garage door and it's getting shot.
I think the creature knocking holes in the garage door is trying to give the owner a hint that he might want to upgrade or and at least have another camera filming from another angle so we might see what the heck Smygol is up to..maybe he lost the ring somewhere around his backyard?
Enjoyed your video and I gave it a Thumbs Up
In the clip where a cryptid was destroying parts of the uploader's door in the garage, there seems to be another cryptid roaming around the bush. Check it on 05:38 – 05:50
The one with the 3 girl's recording. It's not an entity. It's a guy with a black hoody. Either it's someone that lives there or someone broke into the house and sneeking around. Unless, this spirit is showing it's self wearing what they died in. ??? Very interesting 🤔. Lol.
The last one is sad had to put down my 11 year old pitbull yesterday i have had since he was 6 weeks old and picked out and played with him since the day he was born still crying
6:49 ooooohhhh look thats my mom in someones else house fuck not again mom damn it….
5:20 oohh look thats my granddad doing someoneselse backyard again damn not again granddad….
Why would shenot be carrying a gun in the video at 9:05. That could be a creepy meth head
So has anyone else noticed that the skinny guy acting all weird by some cars , is wearing a watch
The one where she said they are going back inside? Well I encountered this same thing face to face it is called a skin Walker it is a shapeshifter demon who mimics voices. I lived in a house where it was demonically possessed by hundreds of demons. No priest or pastor would help us we couldn't bless the home nor ourselves I am protected by my guardian angels Uriel her name means YHWH is my light and metatron he is one who I talk to frequently when he isn't busy with the father. I was baptized at age 13 it isn't an unlucky number add all numbers by pairs of 2 and you always get 13. Because the day of the crucifixion was friday night the 13th of November the day needed to be remembered for all eternity but as fate would have it chrislam hide from YHWH because they did the unforgivable sin of blasphemy the one world religion headquarters opens next year in Dubai called the abrahamic house of the one world religion. Funded by the pope Francis himself. Wake up and smell the roses this isn't any concern YHWH has won and christianity is satanism hidden in plain sight this is just the final message I am to give for mankind I hope you choose wisely of what book you are going to be in you have 2 choices I choose YHWH the Greek faith and I've been blessed everyday since I left the devil's clutches. Love and light friends hope to see ya in paradise soon.
#6 is clearly not filmed with a "security camera". It's a phone in portrait orientation. No security camera records with that aspect ratio. It's not even an old phone mounted up somewhere and repurposed, because it's not stationary. There is either a gimbal or quite steady hand combined with stabilization, as there is still some slight moving around.
So unless this dude is standing there all night holding his phone till the "creature" shows up, it's some staged cryptid hoax.
RIP Brutus
2:02 Is where I saw a shadow at the right of the door frame 3 ft off the floor of the 1st doorway on the left in view. It retracts rapidly, but it's there. A dark HAND size object like it's being pulled around outta site? And HUMAN eyes DON'T GLOW! EVER! Shadow PEOPLE? Their EVIL neither in Heaven nor Hell! But then GOD SAYS "Ghosts are REAL"! 11:26 is just a skinny schmuck in his undies caught on camera? 11:27 ya can see the gool pull his shorts outta his ghostly but! Ooow.
He just needs some milk 🙁
#6 sounds like some dude trying to mimic a transformer transforming 😂😂😂😂😂
Bro, that dude had a watch on, and was fixing his undies…so just a guy on drugs maybe…
Brutha, I'd fucken shit my pants..👖 then move the fuck out…that's what I'd do…FUCK THAT SHIT!!
I think that's a Pale Crawler ("Rake")
And AGAIN at 8:45
These beings are showing up more and more often in recent years. Pale Crawlers, Rakes, Wendigos, Ghouls, Skinwalkers…
whatever you want to call them.
7-8 ft tall, white, emaciated, long limbs, no ears, no nose, slit mouth. WTF ARE THEY ?
I know what they're not… NOT GOOD.
Jesus Christ is LORD. Call on him if confronted with these Demons. They will flee. They cannot enter your home without permission.
Slapped Ham, Nukes and Sir Spooks
The 3 KINGS of Cryptid/Paranormal footage.
Everyone else is far behind.
That sure is a skinny Rottweiler ghost. I guess it must not of eaten since it died
5:01 The alien one in about five minutes where it’s breaking into the garage it’s freaking creepy. If you were someone involved in make up for a film you could make so many of these creepy videos if you really knew what you were doing. The way it works is because you don’t really see it but it looks creepy when you see the little bit that you do. If it’s an alien why would the alien be trying to break into the garage? Maybe he was hiding in there because his UFO crashed and he need some tools or some thing? I don’t know
The video at 7.30 of the "intruder" it looks like it manifest right behind them out of thin air. As if it arose from through the floor. As always, thank you Slapped Ham for the awesome creepy videos, as always 💯💀🙃💜
Uploaders girlfriends sisters daughter? What a mouthful!
There are two alien looking creatures. One is breaking the door and the other one is on the far right. Oh my!
Is that Slenderman on video # 4
OMFG, that guy that was tweaking in his y-fronts is a legend haha. Obviously if it was my gaff he was prancing about I would probably feel different but I just can't help but laugh, I was really hoping that he was gonna start flossing or doing the moonwalk 😆