At a busy North Bondi, two swimmers go unnoticed in the busy crowd
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Bondi Rescue follows the work of the elite professional Lifeguards who patrol Australia’s busiest beach. This is Australia’s real life Baywatch! Taking the viewers on their journey through mass rescues, drownings, resuscitations, shark sightings, and all number of the weird and wonderful experiences Bondi Beach dishes up.
In #BondiRescue the audience sees the action through the eyes of real characters and #lifeguards like Hoppo, Deano, Reidy, Jesse, Maxi, Whippet and Harries, as they catch thieves, perform CPR, make drug busts, break up fights, and even handle a navy bomb that washes ashore one afternoon. Every year throws up new and completely unexpected challenges, and how lifeguards adapt is what makes Bondi Rescue a show that’s about much more than swimmers being saved in the surf.
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Phew! That was a close one. Shout out to the lifeguards keeping the beach safe for all 🤙
Love thisss
don't fight the rip, swim sideways chilling or just float and wave your arms to call for help, and don't hesitate calling to surfers around
Omg this is so scary
Why do you guys re-upload everytime? Give us some fresh episodes..
Why he look like ricegum
damn I can't imagine doing such things just after eating
We need to start a worldwide petition to keep this show on the air. Let's do this!
Can't swim yet you have goggle's on and putting yourself in that position? That is just completely careless… Lifeguards have enough on their hands….
Is a rip what we call an undertow in Canada?
Hi bondi a am such a big fan of you
I love watching your videos my
Favourite ones are missing
Kids I love the beach
I have always
Wanted to visit
Bondi beach
its christmas but atleast ther safe
That was a Korean/Japanese version of Mc lovin lol
Sometimes Its easy to drown even somewhere where you can reach the ground. That happend me this year on school trip rafting on the river.
I almost drowned when I was a kid. If it weren’t for a fisherman who saw me keeping my head up, I would not be here today. So lifeguards are heroes! That gratitude will never be enough!
Why are you loufhing??
My friend was going to die 🤣🤣
Dumbass … “ I can’t swim…” why then go in the sea?
They really need to put some signs up in other languages cuz it always seems to be the Koreans that almost drown
Love that his friends are laughing, whilst the camera crew are like, "Mate, you nearly just drowned."
These stuff can happen in a crowded swimming pool. Few months ago, my family and I went to a resort. We went to the swimming pool area just to have some fun & stuff.. and if I hadn't notice there was two kids, under 10, struggling to gasp for breath, pushing each other into the water trying to survive, there might be two kids faces that I won't forget. But after I noticed them, I call out my dad, both of us went to the kids and a guy also helped them, give those kids some lift & let them sit on the side of the swimming pool. The depth of the swimming pool are not for non experienced swimmer. But the way they jumped in, was so convincing. Good thing I'm an observer.
Thanks guys for all your hard work
I was in that situation when I was young about 20. I hold a big breath after check the direction then went under the water and walked to the direction. I survived when my head went up from the water. I was just lucky.After that I never go to deep water.
Me sitting bored in the bus and then remember theres a bondi rescue vid. I havent watched yet, day saved
Just don't ever go out into the open ocean if you can't swim! It just makes lifeguards' jobs much, much harder. It's very hard to spot 1 or two people out of 30,000. Cut some slack for the lifeguards… And the lifeguards- they were inturrupted in their snack/lunch!
Chappo is still my favorite…
There should be LOOP video at the top of the lifeguard stand- pointing out- like a drive in movie…
Showing the dead people who couldn’t swim either and ended up drowning.
Then a big Flippin red X Showinf NOT to go into the water.
They’re just never going to learn.
Even there, where all of those people with boards even- surrounding him- yet he went unnoticed.
Japanese guy “I can’t swim”
No sh*t Sherlock?
Maybe don’t go in the water???
And I get that the fear and embarrassment makes them smile and laugh, but seriously it makes me want to punch some sense into them.
Another asian that cant swim what a surprise
The silent killer is also drowning.
Dang this channel is 🔥
The guy was so cute at the end though, I feel bad that had to be traumatic 😂
Those are not Men they are kids. Come on guys get it straight.
Looking good Chappo. ❤️😍😎✌️ I'll give rap!🤙🏆
Yaayy! Keep the uploads coming!
I am Florida's toughest swimmer
“I can’t swim.” Why on EARTH would someone that can’t swim go into the surf?!
Anyone else really wana meet them!? Ugh, dream come true 😂😂 Motivates me to become one but I'm scared of the ocean 🤣