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Biggest Ship Fails Ever Caught On Camera
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Biggest Ship Fails Ever Caught On Camera
For copyright matters please contact us at: miniminter1992.29@gmail.com
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negligence is the only thing there is thats why this things happends….water is way to wide and those humans still make a way to make an accidents??? shesshhhh
words are delayed to the actions of the stories.
The narrative was behind the video…🤔🤷
Your telling us and it's not the picture that is showing so video is off or something
Who on earth legalised carrying crude oil in containers??
The audio doesn't match up to the vid after about 7 mins = 'DONT BOTHER'…!!! 🙂
Too many repeats 👎
Wow.. interesting
The sound is 20-30 seconds behind the video so its very frustrating trying to watch it.
Calm down. The Vietnamese boats were just the new, "Bumper Boats", ride. They got the idea from the good ole', "Bumper Cars".
Liked this, but kept repeating videos.
Awesome ! it was great to see the criminal terrorist anti whalers get a dose of their own tactics.
audio track does not sync with video
is it just me or is the vid and audio incredibly out of sync?
REAL Awesome job of syncing the descriptions to the videos! Bravo!
Are you watching the same video as the rest of us the stories are not matching up to what's on the screen
Why when I watch these is the audio totally out of sync with the video from halfway through????
Makes it real hard to watch
I don't understand why the pickup truck was tied to something which would pull it off the ferry.
What has happen with the unsynchronized sound and narrator after some minutes?!?
The sound is a minute or 2 ahead of the video. very confusing!
Add this video to a compilation called "biggest editing fails of 2021". This video is a mess and clearly wasn't checked before uploading.
Possible most of them pilot were drunk..
You might get more likes if your audio is not 7 clips ahead of your video.
The comments on this video are out of sink with what is being shown?
''Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.''-{Ephesians 4:32}
Seen it, seen it, seen it, Oh, here's a new one…no, seen it.
I think it’s a bit to long!
13:20 I'd just love to be in the insurance office when that guy put in his claim "Vehicle was damaged in a collision with cruise liner. The liner was at fault."
16:17 я пожилой капитан не справился с управлением
This is a misleading thumbnail, yeah?
This is why we shouldn’t make such large ships
Why is he just feeding us the same clips over and over again with just different narration?
You just wonder what the people in charge of the ships were doing or thinking at the time of these stupid accidents 😳
No… zacne parkowania…
What surprised my the most was that you couldn't tell you repeated some 4 or more crashed and that you can't pronounce the name of the city Cozumel correctly. The "O" in Coz is pronounced as the "O" in October is. One of the last videos shows a frieter plowing into a dock, not a barge. That's one of the things that makes some videos hard to watch when the producer doesn't do their homework
FYI large ships can't stop on a dime, it takes a mile atleast. So it's not like these ships just kept going after an accident, they simply can't stop.
During the floods in German? You mean Germany?
Hey sir big fan please give me a shout out its a humble request. Love from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
You never disappoint us
Your all videos are amazing
How is it possible to be so stupid??
im pretty sure that was a decommissioned ship used for missile tests
I like to watch these kinds of videos. I use to work in the industry. Just a question ? Are ANY OF THESE VIDEOS YOUR'S OR DO YOU US WHATEVER YOU FIND ? BECAUSE I HAVE SEEN JUST ABOUT EVERY ONE !
I leave near the Queen of Oak bay incident. It was such a facepalm to see on the news that night.
I would subscribe, but I already have 🤗🤗🤗
BEST OF ITS KIND‼️‼️‼️ interesting details on each crash, A+ narrator 😎