The first Top 5 Shiny Fails for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl!
Can you believe these horrible fails? From Pokeradar to Uncatchable Starly!
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Last Episode from Top 5 Shiny Reactions!
TOP 5 SHINY REACTIONS of the WEEK! INSANE REACTIONS! Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl!
Check out the Playlist here:
The Top 5 Shiny Reactions of the Week, presented by aDrive! In this video I break down the top 5 user submitted Shiny Reactions from Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl!! This new series will showcase Shiny Hunters, big and small, and bring our Shiny Hunting community closer together! Be sure to show love to everyone in this video! LIKE, Comment and Subscribe! Which reaction was your favorite?
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Special Shoutout to all the Creators involved!
5.) WildKrytonic – Double Wooper Marsh Fail
4.) PhantomMichael Shiny Onix Fail
3.) Breachy – Shiny Hoppip Wrong Patch!
2.) TheKruseShip Wooper wrong patch –
1.) SBCoop
Double Shiny Starly Uncatchable
OH BABY! Hope yall are ready for some EPIC FAILS.
The Top 5 Fails of the week are INSANE. RIP to these lost Shiny Pokemon!
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Tom's reaction is enough to be #1 for me. It took me a while to stop laughing. A bit painful to watch, but still a great reaction
Sbcoop is a a proud rank 2 member of the USSC.
I did say that shaking grass patches right next to the shiny patch will be some players downfall!
Poor Tom
That exact thing happened to me too at full odds (nosepass)
Ok number four actually pissed me off… like who takes a chance like that. Dude should quit Pokémon for the rest of his life
Honorable mention aDrive's shiny female Burmy lol
this makes me feel better about losing a shiny regirock
First guy sounds like Patrick Mahomes 😂😂
The kruse ship! Is the man!!
Omg the hoppip is so sad nooo 🙈
why is shiny onix no longer green
5:32 that's why I hate the pokeradar
Those pokeradar ones were the most painful to watch 🥲
Seeing those patches and knowing what’s about to happen oh man lol
Onix failed it cause I wasn't in chat that time am his shiny luck onix if u reading this it's true
I hatched a full odds shiny eevee
Number 2 didn’t even care😂
I have come to realize that I will never see another shiny after catching shiny dialga.
I got to a chain of 25 (my personal highest) when Mesprit appeared…
Oh man. I can relate to number 1. I am currently 7,6k resets in for the Turtwig hunt, an found the shiny Starly twice….
Breachy : OMG my first shiny of B….
Only adrenaline junkies shiny hunt in the Great marsh I couldn’t handle the pressure so I never will 🤣
I can't even come across a single shiny I've been trying but no luck yet
I knew these were fails. But Damn this pained me
Shiny fails are my favorite. Im going to hell lol 😈
I experienced the shiny starly too :c
Would anyone trade me an Exeggcute or tropius with HA Harvest?
I'd give you Masterballs, apricornballs or smthg else that you need.. we surely can figure smthg out 😁
though it hurts.. i cant help but laugh
Anyone else watching alot of pokemon
Just cuz of hype for legends arceus?
Ur my favorite Pokémon YouTuber
Adrive you are going to try shinyhunt the lake trio in BDSP?
2:06 this is why I don't Safari hunt too risky
Welcome back to another episode of people faking reactions for attention, likes, donations and views. Clearly fake reactions.
Heyo! Im wildkrytonix’s mod, i was there for the first one but unfortunately i had to leave for the second one, when i heard about it it was so sad because this guy has literally been fishing for over 4,500 encounters and finally gave up with no shiny then fails two woopers, very sad vibes, unfortunately. 😅
Still waiting for that Shining Sword Rom hahaha
I got the uncatchable Starter Starly too. Fun times.
The fails can be hilarious in some cases but in others, they're very sad. Love to see these compilations.
On a side note, nice Christmas tree
Tom made it on the Top 5 Fails!
These were all sad stories, but so relatable it was hilarious. However, I have to ask, is the uncatchable starly actually a fail? It’s simply uncatchable, so it leads me to the question do you automatically fail something you cannot do? Maybe I’m reading to into it, just a question for thought. Great video Dan! Keep ‘‘em up!