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About the Author: Top5Gaming


  1. Wow……..
    I think fortnite island is inside a virtual space that zero point made and it is on the space. So, the cube queen made the hole on that space and the spaceships were outside. So, loop is the virtual space and people inside the virtual space is called looper. The seven always says that we will go back. I think that means the seven is going to break the loop. And foundation said "We need to stop I.O. using the zeropoint. " So, I.O. is using the zeropoint on the bad way.

  2. So, with the Bridge basically destroyed, Genō, Sloane and the IO will use amphibious drill tanks to breach the surface of the Ch 3 map.

    And with the possibility of them coming in numbers, they might trigger these upcoming earthquakes.

  3. wait if all realities exist with the zero point wouldnt the reality of apex legends and titanfall 2 and 1 be located in a reality from the zero point?

  4. Epic should release an official and more cohesive summary of the entirety of Fortnite. This was good, but it was kind of confusing, and some of it is just theories.

  5. I realized every 4 seasons there is a marvel cross over in chapter 1 seasons 4 there was a Thanos cross over then in chapter 1 season 8 it was a marvel cross over then in chapter 2 season 4 there was a marvel cross over so in chapter 3 season 4 there would be marvel cross over 🤯

  6. Am I the only one who sees that the people in the image at 0:44 are people who have escaped the loop? I see Voyager, Bandolete, Renegade Raider, Magnus, Fishstick (Who should be dead along with Voyager) and Bone Head?

  7. I have a theory: the seven used to be part of the io and didnt know what they were doing. So when they found out, they betrayed the io and formed the seven. This would explain why slone recognised the foundation

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