Ghostbusters makes its long-awaited return with Director Paul Feig’s unique and hilarious take on the classic, supernatural comedy, led by the freshest minds in comedy today, Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, and Chris Hemsworth. Together they team-up to save Manhattan from a sudden invasion of spirits, spooks and slime that engulfs the city. Robert Abele of TheWrap says, “This new A-team of ghostbusters are fresh and funny.”
It was kinda fine until guns appeared
I love this Ghostbusters. It is just one of those movies that never grows old and that can be watched again and again. I thought it was funny, imaginative and entertaining. The special effects were truly excellent, love the casting and there are a lot of truly funny lines in the script. I can't count the number of times I was laughing when I watched this film. The performances were brilliant.
Watched afterlife and wanted to see the "sequel" that I missed out on; 20 minutes in and I can't stand this garbage, funny haha fart jokes and IM A WOMAN humor
49:16, that's Daniel Ramis as the metalhead
Its easy to look at this as a separate thing since Afterlife. But its really not as bad as everyone thinks, you just need to not compare it to the OG's
I’ve never seen much trash in my life
Why am I only allowed to watch this in 480P?
You would think Tyler Perry directed this mess
Please considering changing the name out of respect for the real Ghostbuster movies. Thanks!
Saw this in the theaters and instantly regretted it.
This movie really is a dumpster fire of bad ideas…
Or rather– poor execution of ideas used in the original film.
God, this film just SUCKS.
Very bad
I like how they retconned this movie in ghostbusters afterlife
Thumbs down!!! /
Just goes to show remakes will never be as good as originals
I got a free digital copy of this movie and I still want my money back.
This is garbage a sin that deserves to be forgotten
You can try and forget the 1.3 millions dislikes and put a new preview up all you want but the film is still garbage……😂😂😂
i liked it, especially the cameos. but, think they should have connected the stories instead, like afterlife did.
stunning and brave!
Total garbage….. Added, anything Leslie Jones is in is sure to be a box office bomb. All she ever does in any film is yell and scream. Film was completely miscast and didn't make sense why Thor would need to be in it.
I don’t want to stand this movie sucks I wonder if they made a movie with the Incredible Hulk instead of it being a man let the hulk be a woman see how everyone likes that that’s exactly how I feel about this movie they tried to hard
This movie sucks so bad I mean come on man it keeps on sucking total trash they wasted so much money to produce this nonsense total bullshit
oh helll NO, fvck this garbage
I don't know why this crap keeps appearing on top of my you tube home page. Not interested. This movie looks so crappy they couldn't even put together a decent trailer.
This movie was so bad
There is a phrase in the world of Star Trek fans – "Sh*t Star Trek is better than no Star Trek".
Sadly this does not apply to Ghostbusters.
Grown men going out of their way to come here to talk about Afterlife (A KIDS MOVIE) 🥴
Imagine if they made Wonder woman a man. It would piss everyone off. Well don't make Ghostbusters into women for the hell of it. Plus they tried way too hard to be funny. Like Batman and Robin1997. Too many punchlines and sarcasm.
I know it’s you help
I don't think this Reboot is really as Bad as some people say it is, But I do Agree That this movie could have been better that's All I'm saying 🤷
20:54 I swear to God, this part scares the shit out of me every time I watch it!
This movie gets a bad wrap but I find it hilarious.
Coming up next: Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Ghostbusters are females in the Sony multiverse
The movie is just horrible the writing is horrible and the jokes are cringy and corny dont watch the movie im glad there gonna make the ghostbusters afterlife aka ghostbuster 3 they change the ghostbusters gender into girls the film is horrible
I thought is was good. Not everything has to be like the original
Actually I love all the Ghostbusters movies
I loved it 💯
Lmao how is this not free on youtube…. no one would ever pay to watch this dumpster fire