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Mr. Beat compares and contrasts Missouri and Arkansas, the two states with lots of natural beauty and where the South meets the Midwest (and West.)
Produced by Matt Beat. All images/video by Matt Beat, found in the public domain, or used under fair use guidelines. Music by DivKid and The Mini Vandals.
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Sources/additional reading:
How the States Got Their Shapes by Mark Stein
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Truman by David McCullough https://go.magik.ly/ml/11jwc/
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#compared #mrbeat #geography
Arkansas and Missouri
Or as many say “Missour UH” and wait a second, why is Arkansas pronounced like that? Well, that’s another video, buddy. Check it out.
Anyway, Missouri and Arkansas
The Show-Me State and The Natural State
Two bordering states where the South kind of meets the West and Midwest in THESE United States
And, I know I have talked some trash about Missouri throughout my life being a Kansas boy, but I gotta admit it’s one of my favorite places to visit, and I only don’t visit Arkansas as much since it’s a bit further of a drive for me.
There’s a relatively new rivalry between the sports teams of the two major universities in each state. (Missouri Tigers and Arkansas Razorbacks). The football rivalry is known as The Battle Line Rivalry.
Missouri is a Midwestern state, but much of Southern Missouri kind of makes it seem like a Southern state. Arkansas is definitely a Southern state, but parts of it, like Northwest Arkansas in particular, somehow feel Midwestern. So if you like the South and Midwest, these two states are for you.
The population of Missouri is more than twice that of Arkansas.
A big reason why are Missouri’s two major metropolitan areas- Kansas City and St. Louis, both wonderful cities that I am very, very familiar with. Both metros have more than 2 million people.
Correction: I have yet to compare Maryland as well. How could I forget Maryland! So 4 states left compare. 🙂
So yeah, now that you know I'm doing repeats, what should I compare Maryland, Michigan, Iowa, and Oklahoma to?
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Of course, the question is: what did Arkan see and what did he think about it?
I think Michigan and Illinois could compare well.
Crater of Diamonds State Park is a wonderful place. Would recommend it to anyone who likes a good camping trip along with that extra benefit of finding diamonds.
Missouri is way way way way better than Arkansas in every regards
I’m going to Arkansas next month! Missouri seems better. Oh well. Lol
Arkansas Native here and long-time Mr. Beats fan. Very disappointed this wasn't Arkansas vs. Louisiana smh.
I live near New Madrid like 5 minutes away and once a storm disaster happens, it's always not bad or really bad
Iowa and Oklahoma are both tough. There's no obvious comparison for either really.
Oklahoma wants to be compared to Texas, but I wouldn't say that really makes much sense.
Iowa… I guess Kansas/Nebraska makes the most sense, if we're talking similarities.
I wouldn't mind a LP to UP comparison
I actually live in both. I first live in Missouri but now I am living in Arkansas.
Hey, Mr. Beat! In a future video, you should definitely compare both Maryland and Washington, DC.
mr breast give me money
HELL YEAH love this series
Michigan vs California
1:56–2:15 Branson Missouri & 4:58 St. Louis Missouri
Yes! He did my state! Although I live in Illinois now I’ve lived in Missouri for the most time in my life. This is a really great video about Missouri. I’m a St. Louis person (St. Louisan?) at heart and glad you did this video. Now our past my have been a bit dark with slavery and segregation. I’ve been waiting for this for a while. Go Cards!
We love Arkansas❤️❤️❤️
At 8:05 you have two different Arkansas flags. The one on the left (the rectangular one) is the official one, so I’m really curious what’s up with the one on the right (the state shaped one)
Can Mr Beat compare Luxembourg with Canada?
Love your stuff! -From NWArkansas
I say OK vs AR as well as OK vs TX
I live in between Central and Northeastern Arkansas, but as someone who has family that farms in Southeast Arkansas (Bayou Meto/DeWitt/Stuttgart) I can attest to the large amount of rice and overall farmland. My family has a joke about the Stuttgart "skyline" that's really just the main Riceland building.
Indiana and Kentucky????
Great video! I live in Northwest Arkansas and would love to meet up next time you are in the area!
Kansas City has the worst airport.
Missouri is 100% better than Arkansas. We have pork steaks and toasted raviolis.
Great video Mr beat, video idea the two peninsulas of Michigan compared
Compare Iowa with Nebraska
Amazing job! You, your delivery, your research, your amazing intellect; your wealth of knowledge, your production quality—-I’m hooked
I live in Arkansas
Opinion on Hillary Clinton potentially running in 2024. Do you think she’s electable in a rematch against Trump or somebody else, or is she unelectable?
According to the 2020 census, Missouri has a population of 6,154,913 and Arkansas has a population of 3,011,524.
after you do the 4 states can you pls do Illinois and Missouri just once PLS I beg you
Was the star left off of Arkansas’ flag on purpose?
"Protestant fundamentalism" sounds so "PC" lmfao but I love it. Cause we all get what you mean 😁😁😁
It's pronounced New MAD-rid.
"Arkansas is beautiful until you have to ask for directions" -my mom who was born in Arkansas
Mr. Beat….. Please compare Nevada and California 🙂
The Ozarks "mountains" are so funny to me as a Californian- around here, we call those "hills!"
If you're gonna do repeats for the series, how about Connecticut vs. Tennessee? You know, because of the college basketball rivalry between us (I'm a Nutmegger, so go Huskies!).
From myunderstanding, ,Arkansas can build a fence around the state Abe self contained. It can produce every thing they needs.