What is a skill you do faster than anyone?
The fastest workers are back with another pack of mind-blowing speed to get the job done. Featured content includes: a drifting forklift, bartender bottle opening, tree climbing & more!
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WTF, fastest workers? More than half of video was something else
Poor horse 2:46
What is the name of the person in the 2.36 Video ? His turning kick is perfect. He's is seen turning kick the dummy 5 times. I got inspired by his kick.
Music setup nice
This channel just recycles clips over and over.
0:01 . How much does this worker get paid/hour for this work?
I hope he gets free medical, and a 30,000 calorie free daily lunch…
No hamburgers were properly wrapped during the making of this video
Perfect video
Less than half were workers, no forklift, mostly re-runs.
Great clips. But for next time That is a pallet jack not a forklift.
Workers… Where? 🤷♂️
I do also love drifting on forklift. Back when i was working on a factory i often played with it until mu supervisor caught me and got fired hahsahaha
Forklift? That is called a pallet jack. You haven't put any effort into your videos in a long time, nothing awesome about most of the shit you post.
very medium video
SONG NAME:run boy run away
ARTIST:snake city
stop using reruns
mesmerizing, fun, good song
2:44 wtf… just disgusting, a wale on a little Horse. thats just animal cruelty. wtf
0:25 was normal during a rush not impressive
There was no forklift here
90% of this had nothing to do with a fast worker. Title is lies.
2:43 That horse looks like it's having a hissy fit.
Or tapdancing!
0:52 is my crazy ex when she's found me jogging at the park near her house
Wow keren😊👍
I'm first, I'm awesome