What are the chances of a Natural Disaster in New Zealand? – South Africans in New Zealand

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Welcome to my lifestyle channel all about my move to New Zealand & general lifestyle topics I find interesting like the news in South Africa & New Zealand,Rugby & travelling in New Zealand.Heres a link to all my videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm4Hhp14EFaQiW0T3HxuZAQ?sub_confirmation=1
This channel is definitely for South Africans in New Zealand, but not only as its really for anyone living in New Zealand or anyone moving to New Zealand. I give you a feeling of how is life in New Zealand so even if you still living in South Africa or any other county and planning on immigrating to New Zealand you will love this channel.Immigrating to New Zealand from South Africa was not easy as the New Zealand immigration process was a long journey. Moving to New Zealand from South Africa & New Zealand living or New Zealand life is what you will see on my channel.I compare New Zealand vs South Africa and show you the cost of living in New Zealand. I give you a feel of how things work like New Zealand Schools and travel. I stay a Springbok supporter and show how you can be a proud South African living in New Zealand & express my love for Rugby. I also cover the News and Main events in South Africa, New Zealand and the world.

I suggest also watching New Zealand’s Worst Disasters A Tribute 1931 – 2011

Also watch New Zealand’s Tsunami Hazard


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About the Author: SomethingEls Media


  1. Those numbers for SA is a bit low as it only takes into account the reported and confirmed murders. 51000 sexual offences, missing persons, armed robbery and hijackings not included. There are so far 2 003 204 cases repored in 2019 so far (note "reported" cases). I will tell you this. They broke into my our house this morning. The police didn't even come. Said "high volume calls" but we all know they just dont feel like doing their work. So, Im litterally sleeping with a rifle on my lap… Id take earthquakes over this anyday… Hell id rather live on an active volcano than live here. I cant wait to get enough money together move to NZ. Im really sick of this lifestyle now. No life can be worse than this and no one deserves to live like this.

    Source: https://www.crimestatssa.com/national.php

  2. i like your vids un not to scare you auckland is actually surrounded by active volcanos but lower chances of having an earthquake.
    I lived through the christchurch earthquakes and most buildings were fine especially the new ones that has all the earthquake reinforcing standards applied,it was mainly the older buildings and the liquefaction areas that got damaged.i remember 2011 we were having earthquakes every single day most were small but you felt it.on top of that the winter was cold and christchurch had a few days of snow that year.

  3. oi.. k59 license. 10 am and 2pm on the wheel. jokes ЁЯЩВ ЁЯЩВ
    statistically speaking.. you much more likely to die in South Africa by being murdered than any natural disaster in NZ.
    The figures are just too stupid to compare.. just wikipedia natual disaters.. its all listed with the tolls for the last few hundred years.. (comes up to a couple o thousand) compare (well you cant even compare) that to the 21 THOUSAND murders per year in this country. chalk and cheese..

  4. Building standards are continually being raised with respect to earthquake strength, including mandatory strengthening of existing building stock. NZ houses, being mostly timber framed are extremely safe.

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