Alright, we’re back at it again with a Roblox Natural Disaster Survival Funny Moments video. I made this Roblox Natural Disaster Survival Funny Moments just because I wanted to refresh myself with what I’m editting. Also, I lowkey miss the old days so…. YEAH.
I pride myself on quality. This took roughly 7 hours to edit because of the masking, motion tracking, and color adjustments I had to do. So I really hope my efforts were worth it!
This is how I edit. I use the editing program Final Cut Pro X, and it typically takes me 5-12 hours to edit a single one of these “edits”. For the memes that sort of have a face following them, I have to use a mask to isolate the face or object, motion track the object or face in the original clip, then overlay to that my gameplay, and finally motion track the motion tracked face/object to the character in the gameplay. Yes, a lot of work. For the screen shaking I use to emphasize intensity, I simply motion track the entire screen up and down or side to side every 2 frames, and then I adjust the colors and contrasting of the colors to highlight a difference in situation. Those are the main 2 types of edits I use, and if you have some more serious questions about other edits I use once in a while, be sure to let me know in the comments!
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—- Credits —-
Play Roblox Natural Disaster Survival here! ➜
Music used! ➜ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7ZrZ0X45Bo
Mans really said "i make people's childhood better"
this is the first video i ever watched on ur channel
I used to watch so many of it
what the dog doin 3 years ago?
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 winner winner chicken dinner
I like how this was 3 years ago, and yet yt still tries to recommend this vid
This guy was a legend in my times
Franklin university makes it possible
Rip memorys used to watch as 12 year old
Pin me or I shall 🐶🔫
Hfgfutivvigdcaggivareijhvafeeighagirgyuigyufdaigyafeygifargyrfqegyoyguirefaughiafreivywfevghowfreggiyfgwuryguiarevyutevityfqerivguaervyuiaeryguiqfwegiyuatervyiateryuigatervyuigfqyuireyguifqerbyiqferivyufaeryguiaferyguiafreyguiafrghuifargyuiggaitervyuiteaegyuitraevyuirtqevyiivfshurivgufrivyufehbierativyufaregbuifrasvhuifrvyuiwfervyuirfaeigufarevguiteivyuatervyuitaerivyutraevyuiaygfuieriygfuaeryguiteaegyuifaseigyurafeiyugrfaegyiuateryigurtaegyiurgtiyueakaghjetrgyiuterqigyureqgighviytqgkfyu4v3iuyertgiytregqui34yvitariaguvereuitteetguiqferighvqeriguvarteiuybtarkengbighastrvighaferivyuatervyiatesgyifaseyguiteaevyuitaervyuistwevyuitwervyuivyuifeqevyiutqervyuiferqyvuiqtervyuieqfrvyuivyuifrasvyiuagerviyudarggyuidwfrygiufewrgyuiferybuiefrgyuiwfsryuvirfeyvuiefrivuyrvfweyiuuyigarfeiyurfeyguifargyuiafryvurfavuyrfaevyufraebyuyuigwedgiyufaervyiueargyuirtegyiurfaegyuiiasfeyuygu gcuyfufyfufyfbooooooaoaoaooaoaoa
This best video of history…. nostalgic ❤
This is the best funny moment I saw on YouTube/RBX
Man why did they fix so many of these glitches?
Lol Emagine if the creator saw this
Creator screams
Players *LOOL
Roblox disater be like:
0:40 is my favorite
When Dark never used Commentary
Balloon boy!?!!!?
Damn i think this was the first darkaltrax video ive watched
1:28 pro tip in life
This made my childhood when I was young. Now there is cringy slenders instead of innocent newbies that are friendly.
I hope this can be a 1 hour
I think this is the first Roblox video I saw
I miss his old content like this
Intro never gets old.
Dang i miss this kind of stuff
It makes me wanna laugh to bursts
For people asking on why he didn't take damage at 1:17 it's because the game thought that Dark was standing on the ground so when he "fell" the brick below him made it so he didn't die.
More of it is just tom scream and yelling and screams
Ouch 1:48
I miss the old days man
2:12 this was the funniest part
1.'43yo hice ese mismo y me mando a volar y cuando caí al patio de juegos paso esto 1.'18
This was so funny to me man when it first came out🤣
My first video that I watched on dark altrax
funny you bully player >:<
why i hate funny
me: “bAcK in My daY i WoulD frEind Everyone
Me now: T R Y H A R D
Yes, I remember this watching once as a child back then, it made me laugh so hard
I remember when the lighthouse collapsed during a fire
0:40 lol love the tom and jerry sound LOL
Only with DarkAltrax you can see very "rare" moments!