Absolutely not for the faint at heart. These are scary images of real ghosts caught on camera that will send chills down your spine! No sleep for you!
Music – https://www.jamendo.com/en/list/a15520/unidentyfied-city
Photo Buffer – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHU9ujqxxx6RBEkuktmOLyQ
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So many of these are certified double exposures. Sadly, it's been a year since you posted this, but I'll tell you anyway….do some better background research before you go and make other videos like this at this point.
If you look into the first pictures history, you find out that the dark figure is not a ghost, but rather a body that fell from the rafters at the time of the picture
Genuinely loved this vid, amazing stuff, keep it up!
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