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About the Author: 🍻xENTERTAINMENTx🍻


  1. Too many fights are vertically shot, its dumb as fuck and its ruining the street-fight video genre. Im skipping an entire video of possibly good fights because these assholes shoot with their phone upright like morons. At some point, phone companies will have to take away the vert option.

  2. It's a damn embarrassment when you watch a male get hit and all they do is point out the person and tell him that it wasn't cool. be a man! you touch me I'm going to fight you until I either die or you're knocked the f*** out choking on your own f**** teeth

  3. Dude thought the muscle was gonna scare them off hahaha they did jump him but even when the first dude with the white shirt went at him he was lost and knew he should've kept his shirt on hahaha stay in the gym homie

  4. Defend yourself when you can. When there is a bunch of people like this just get the F outta there. Don't wanna be that guy getting stomped 👍

  5. It's funny when people get mad at people fighting and touching your car, them saying "get off my car" like that's the last thing I'm worried about while fighting is your fucking piece of shit car lol

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