Today we go over to Kingfrostmares channel and take a look at the scariest ghost videos right now. Make sure you go over to his channel and subscribe for more amazing and terrifying ghost and paranormal videos. Here is the channel link:https://www.youtube.com/c/KingFrostmare
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I saw a shadow bastard again with my own eyes last night it freaked my girl out 😂 I think it's because it flew at me but I've seen them most of my life since the first time I died and came back to this realm…..I see dead ppl 👀
Mate you crack me up. I feel tense and relaxed at the same time …weird haha
Is me or in the first part of the video the first shadow in the living room is controling the video? Hahahahaha pay attention close…. the shadow goes tru the living room tp the door way and the video in the camara is always in 10:30:37 since the start os the video
After watching so many ghost videos, nothing really shocks me anymore. But that damn "shadow entity" that pops out all fast…THAT SCARED THE FCK OUT OF ME! The way that creepy fckr moved?!! WTF?? Anyone have any ideas as to what that was?
But yeah, I just love this Channel! As a woman, we get to check out Ben and all his hotness! And the comments he makes are spot on! It's like he knows what we're thinking too…adding the humor to the creepy videos is a nice touch! WE LOVE YOU BEN!! ❤️ MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄
Oh the face that’s freaky wow that’s a horrible demon
Lol the voice Ben lol
It’s a Demon Ben they are real I hope the 2 kids were ok
Crazy the entity’s show themselves to kids bec these entity’s are Cowards scaring children it’s messed up
No spirits are not dead people our flesh is a vessel it’s our spirit that leaves the vessel to absent from the body is to be with the Lord where we wait our judgment! We don’t just walk around everywhere when we sue and to think children are walking around endlessly NO they go with the Lord ! The devil deceives is now he’s a crafty Bastard and the fallen angels n demons they work in trying to take Gods children their souls the entity’s we see are demons their are some here on earth and in the earth as we know hell ! Witches people who do magic voodoo you think that stuff is fake no it’s not these people reach out to demons some are tricked thincking they are people when they are a familiar that’s a demon who knows things about you very scary shit! Tarot cards new age that is all come from those assigned to do things for the devil the musicians are puppets they sell a part of themselves their soul but only God is the true owner of our soul but if you don’t repent and ask Jesus to save you than yes the place that was meant for the devil and the fallen Angels hell people will go their bec we were spiritual beings we need our vessel to be strong as armor! Aliens no they don’t exsist that’s another trick from the fallen angels and to some this may sound crazy but their are many people who look like people but they are fallen angels and many of the Government know of this why do you think Washington DC is centered on a pentagram if you notice many male mucisians are wearing dresses their puppets and they are helping the Illuminati they worship the son God Horus so did many Egyptians who is Horus we see in yoga studios Egyptian eye the eye of Horus that is anither name for the devil , Lucifer , satan . The Genesis 6 they were cast out of heaven they are spiritual beings too so they could change and Nate with the woman which was abomination esp in Gods eyes the woman gave birth to hybrid children half human and Angel the Nephilum it’s why God had Noah make the ark and had him save as many of the good souls but the fallen angels they taught humans makeup and how to read the stars and make weapons and taught sorcery! If you look at the pyramids buildings from all over those were perfect shapes no human made that but the Nephilum did read the Bible it’s alott real truth In Their we are in the last days everything happening is biblical we see more demons but we are right near the veil it’s closer than we think and evil people some just foolish being demons over to cause chaos and murder, addiction, lust , , pride , stealing , adultery saying the Lords name in vain if you think it’s ok to look n your married you have lusted the flesh is weak God had his only son come as flesh to help teach the word he casted out many demons he went through terrible torture for our sins our battle isn’t against flesh n blood meaning it’s not against people who are always fighting each other but it’s against but principality and powers in high places the devil is the wicked his name may mean light bearer but he is nothing but darkness why do you think these demons caught on film are always in dark places test the spirits by saying in the name of Jesus leave bec the devil can cast himself as an Angel of light but he’s not the light he’s darkness . It’s why he mimics everything about Christ death ! Yeshua Jesus died at 3 pm . The devil who torments has those who worship this beast do it at 3 am! Everything is to mimic and blaspheme e God look at the Travis Scott concert that was a ritual those souls are with God if you see how so many musicians die in strange ways look up the 27 club . What does it profit a man to gain the world but lose his soul!!! Don’t worship idols music is very big as a influencer . In Heaven before the devil grew prideful , Jealous he hated us bec we are made in Gods image ! But he was once so favored by God it he rebelled big time and 30 million angels who fell ! So yes the Devil has a short time on earth.But he does have power over something’s and demons are given missions they work well tog bec they have the same goal to steal kill and destroy the Lords Children ! Those who know Christ is the son of God and that he is our savior who died for us ! It’s so sad that these actors and mucisians. I’m not saying all but many like Beyoncé JZ , Travis Scott the Kardashians bec they are witches so is Beyoncé and Madonna kenye said it he sold his soul to the devil it was a crap deal but he got toys along with his life style . So many see these celebrities and cry for them and pay hundreds to see them perform but you see that these people are pulling you away like Gaga she def is a witch she stayed with a witch marina B a Russian woman who showed what you need to start a spell seman, pure blood wonder what poor victim they had a pentagram so they keep those videos on but not the ones who talk about God and the haunted crap that’s out their ! I pray for all of you Godbless you !❤️God does Love you and their is no greater force to fight these evil entity’s than Gods Children so be safe
Buttra*er that’s a rad name for a mom with a kid
Is Tom Cruise in that house window
Great videos love you stuff Ben. What’s up with King Frostmare And his 24 hour stream? What’s that all about
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Ben! 🎄Your reactions are always a treat. My wife's ready to move me out to the backyard for all the times I reply to her with "Look at the state of you, mate!" I can't help meself. You're a bloody legend! 😉👍
12:21 the best part of the video ajklajakljakljalkjaklajkla I really laught with that imitation XD
The first one may be the shadow people and alien abductions…is it me or is that a white shoe sticking out from under the tv stand on the last video.
Ben I look forward to your videos every day man. My son and I laugh our asses of your reactions to videos are epic to say the least pal. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas buddy and a Happy New year to you and your family. Keep it willy-nilly and keep bringing on them chicken skin videos buddy cheers.
look at time14;15 is funy
Its like a god dang man bird or something like it
I think I’ve seen the one at 21:10 or it’s another one but I think it’s only showing the 2nd part of it. I believe the full version is the shadow figure is sitting on the ground then he closes the door but opens it again to see it standing up right and looking at him then as it goes to move towards him he shuts the door and walks away
It is a song hun ,,,, baby think twice for the sake of our love for the memories….Celine Dion . I was with you mate 😂😂
Freddie lol
8:18 thats not human likely a demon, it’s behavior seems predatory and hostile.
Subtitel Indonesia broow!!!
Hey bub,videos were cool to watch,but,dude…….youre fkn strange mate
Cha gae bhai ben 😊👌👌look at u haaan 👻👻
Hold up! In that first video … I have never seen a shadow person with a reflection why is it reflecting off the floor????? I call fake
I just want to point out, in the first video: isn't it weird that the time stamp on the laptop doesn't move??
Usually I'd hear most people say "I got gooses or goosebumps" but hearing "chicken skin" now that caught me off guard. Also your videos are as funny as watching IGP scream his lungs out playing horror games ngl. 🤣
20:53 for all y'all ouji fuck lords don't play with it in your house
12:26 japanese ppl are really good at making scary videos, man
thats definitely a person but the timing is just perfect for a lil jumpscare phew