Unseen T-51D Crash Video Shows FSDO Idiots + Student Crash.

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C-172 16 year old student crash: See original Cessna video here, full credit to my friend Rob Carrey. His channel is

N15180 T-51D Crash:

July 6, 2021


The intent of the local flight was to perform fuel flow and fuel indicator checks on the newly built airplane. After takeoff, while climbing through 200 ft agl, the engine lost power. The pilot noticed that the engine computer circuit breaker was tripped.

He attempted to reset the circuit breaker and attempted to restart the engine. The circuit breaker would not reset, so the pilot nosed over the airplane to land on the remaining part of the 5,900 ft runway. Upon contact with the runway, the left main landing gear
collapsed, and the airplane ground looped. The left wing sustained substantial damage.

1) He was not supposed to fly
2) He made no effort to reset the CB
3) His flaps were inop so he didn’t land and groundloop! He stalled and crashed!


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About the Author: Probable Cause: Dan Gryder


  1. 50×3200 is not a small runway. The airport I learned at was 30×2600, when we went to a 50’ wide runway I thought wow look at all this pavement out here.

  2. T-51D story. Wow! The owner should report the "theft" of the aircraft to the police. Being funny here but, maybe the T-51D needs a MEL…….😆
    What was this guy thinking??????
    Dan you not making any buddies over at the FAA. You might be on the pay back radar.
    Love you talks. I'm retired Transport Canada.

  3. With all due respect to Dan, I learned to fly at an airport with a 3,200 foot runway. Thousands of students learned to fly from this airport. We had a Lear as well as a DC-3 based at this airport.

  4. OMG !! I am not even a pilot , and have never been . But I can clearly understand what that clown did . And this is a FSDO ?! They must take bribes or something . Insane !! Be safe out there folks & Merry Christmas … Gubs

  5. Keep bitin' ankles Dan G – someone needs to. Could someone be trying to avoid more paperwork? I know they say their desks are breaking but that is no excuse – they're getting paid to do a job. Enjoy them eats and sing out loud! Here's to a safer 2022…

  6. I remember seeing "big" Bill squeeze into the cockpit of the T-51 demo at Sun n Fun with another portly prospective customer in there with him, and off they'd go……I always said a little prayer for the completion of the flight in one piece. FAA Perfectly legal.

  7. As a non pilot I am amazed this guy went unpunished. no wonder no-one trusts the FAA with Boeing if you cant prosecute what a child could see was wrong with this scenario?

  8. I helped a pilot friend build an RV-4 back in the 80's. Once the plane was built he operated the plane in a risky manner, and failed to maintain and correct problems with the plane. I told him that his passengers deserved better, and that he better straiten up to reduce the risks. It got to the point I sent a letter to the pilot that he get another instructor to sign off an annual pilot proficiency endorsement for I did not want to be listed as the last CFI endorsement in his logbook.

  9. P51 absurd, insane and there are no excuses for his actions..period.
    Enjoy your New Year Mr Dan. Keep up the great work that you do.

  10. Imagine what may have happened had the attorneys for Koleno's high school not gotten involved at put a stop to flying his own design gyrocopter when his shop teacher approved and participated in the construction. He's a danger to himself and others around him. And this is the company's general manager?

  11. Hey Dan, thanks for jumping on this in the public forum. FAA FSDO is NEGLIGENT by not taking care of business. OMG!!! CLE FSDO is perhaps having their collective minds controlled by injury from COVID vaccines?

  12. It's really difficult not to rage over the Titan crash, and the non-action by the FSDO…thank you for the details, exposition, and naming names Dan. This stuff demands being called out! Have an excellent holiday and a wonderful New Year!

  13. Go get them Dan! Just because the world seems to embrace "entitled do anything want behavior", it will NOT work in Aviation. God bless you & MerrY MerrY Christmas!

  14. I'm really amazed that this one got slid by Merry Christmas to you Dan been flying for 30 years and I don't get that one your dedication to safety in aviation you and Juan Brown is really appreciated

  15. I almost hit some high pines in my musketeer when I was a student. I pulled until I heard the horn and then pushed a little and luckily had the lift and the altitude. Saved the airplane and my life, but wasn't able to save the underwear. Lesson learned through a training and a lot of luck.

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