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About the Author: Hi Animal


  1. Hey there's something going on over there. Let's point the camera in the opposite direction. Like fucks sakes people. Zoom and focus. The technology is real.

  2. The sad part is all these animals are only doing what they naturally do. As humans we created this crap and these innocent animals are getting the backlash of man's "creation". It's sick af

  3. So basically it's okay to make fun of it and laugh and joke about people doing sick and horrible things and filming it but then yet when someone kills a child four films of suicide and makes and makes fun of it then everyone hates what a bunch of Hypocrites lol

  4. I don’t get people at all, when a person is about to jump off a building no one tries to strop their fall or uses something to catch them. But when it’s an animal people risk their lives trying to save the damn animal. People are messed up. 😡😡😡😡

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