Christmas in Thailand!! 🎄 FOOD for 300 PEOPLE – Akha Tribal Celebration in Chiang Mai!!

Christmas in Thailand!! 🎄 FOOD for 300 PEOPLE - Akha Tribal Celebration in Chiang Mai!!
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Merry Christmas to you and your family from Thailand!

It was a huge honor to be invited to an Akha village in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand, to celebrate Christmas this year. Thank you for joining us in this celebration.

Blessings to you and your family!



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About the Author: Mark Wiens


  1. Mark merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and your family you’re beautiful family God bless you and give you all the desires of your heart in Jesus name🙏

  2. God Bless you and your family Mark Wiens!! I absolutely loved watching this video about how other Christian cultures celebrate Christmas. This video is pure beauty from seeing fellowship, love, families and prayer!! You emit God's beautiful love!! Bless you!

  3. Amen it was awesome to hear that Mark is a Christ follower I have been watching videos for years and wondered if that was the Light of Christ in your eyes now I know Amen to that

  4. Mark Wiens the feast its so similar in our state Meghalaya North East India. I Hope one day you will travel and enjoy our indigenous food culture too. And A Blessed Christmas to you and your family.

  5. Mark te deseo muchas bendiciones para ti y tu familia en estas navidades que el niño jesus te traiga salud y bienestar y continua con tu hermoso trabajo de darnos a conocer el mundo y sus comidas…..

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