Natural disaster 18 December 2021. Hundreds of cars went underwater! Flash flood hit Shah Alam, Malaysia
Chaos is ensuing in Selangor, particularly in Shah Alam, where rain-triggered floods continued to wreak havoc since this afternoon with many stuck on highways for hours.
Some of those stranded have taken to social media, to share their plight, with no immediate solution in sight.
The Shah Alam toll plaza and the interchange operated by PLUS has been closed due to floods which struck the location at about 2pm.
Naturals hazards in 2021 have become more frequent. We do not know what awaits us in 2021. How global warming and climate change will affect our Earth. Watch the most current news about natural disasters on our channel.
The channel lists such natural disasters as:
1) Geological emergencies: Earthquake, Volcanic eruption, Mud, Landslide, Landslide, Avalanche;
2) Hydrological emergencies: Flood, Tsunami, Limnological disaster, Flood, Flood;
3) Fires: Forest fire, Peat fire;
4) Meteorological emergencies: Tornado, Cyclone, Blizzard, Hail, Drought, Tornado, Hail, Hurricane, Tsunami, Storm, Thunderstorm, Tempest.
#Malaysia #ShahAlam #rain #weather #banjir #Hurricane #Typhoon #Flood #Naturaldisasters
On the channel, everything you need to know about:
chave weather, fobos storm, natural disasters compilation, painful earth, live storm media,lsm, climate change, global warming,
Ww klo ud msiba hnya 1 slmatkn dri sndri tu klo umat islam tu pnting buat gmbaran di akhirat tnggungkn sndiri bruk baikny
Keep save Malaysia
The disaster was a success!!
Very well planned disaster
Inna Lillahi wainna ilahi raziun
The govement cannot been trusted
Leia abiblia,se convesta a jesus , Deus mandou uma doença,o,povo não,si, chegou a Deus, agora terremoto ,fome peste guerra chuva acabando com a terra se convesta dos seus pecados ,jesus está voltando , aceita a jesus para mora no céu
Yaallah lindungi kami sekeluarga besar dan seluruh umat Islam seluruh dunia aminyarobalalamin
Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilayhi roojiuu'n
dg adanya mushibah di seluruh negeri ini ,semoga kita bisa meningkatkan keimanan dan ketaqwaan kita kpd Allah SWT ,
اعوذبالله من الشيطان الرجيم
قل هوالله احد الله الصمد لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفواأحد
God uses natural disasters to convey the message of repentance.
En estas situaciones oremos mucho y cuidemos nuestros niños, nuestros jóvenes, ancianos en fin cuidémonos unos a otros también a los animalitos..
Oh no
Oh my gosh how do you know this
Shallom, I release the Annointing of Yahweh/Yeshua Hamashiach to all Msian People's in Shah Alam and where ever they are,let the blessing of god Adonai to bless them all in safety life that none danger ham to them all,Lord have mercy on them all to face the big problem that they are facing nowadays, I pray and ask this mercy through our Lord Yeshua @ Isa Almasi sela Amen.shallom.
Природа моть сумей за неё постоять
If your income below rm 5k ..you just should buy affordable house and car follow your needs…spend more your money to foods and clothes..in case
emergency situation happen to you…you can survive longer..
Lots of prayers for Malaysia 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Pada akhirnya semua akan musnah dan manusia pun akan berpindah alam krn dunia ini cuma fattamorgana,cuman tipuan mata.tetapi kita tdk mau tenggelam di dalam nya dan berakhir di neraka bukan?,oleh krn itu selagi masih bernafas,temukanlah jalan yg lurus menuju sorga itu kenalilah jalan Nya.Isa anak Maryam adalah jln ke sorga itu.Buka google (7 ayat alquran ttg Isa terpenting)ikutlah Dia agar tdk menyesal.🙏🏻🙏🏻
Meu Deus ninguém pode impedir a fúria da natureza