Rescue Mama Dog & 5 Puppies Trapped in Mud, Eat Ddirt to Try to Live Every Day in Despair
This is a village in the Shatursky district, 300 km from Moscow. Scene of small puppies getting bogged down in the mud, near a dilapidated stall. And right next to the puppies is a mother dog, a small dog on a leash! The poor dog was in terrible condition – emaciated, only a skeleton left under his fur! There was not a single drop of dry water around, only earth, mud and mud.
No food. They lived like that for many days. The owner has completely neglected. He has imprisoned her since she was not pregnant. Hungry, struggling for food that can’t be swallowed, lurking in the mud, confused. They are very cold and sad. I have no words! My mother is still young, less than 10kg. The puppies are very small, only the size of the palm of a hand. She is called Klepa. They were quickly rescued and taken to the clinic.
Thanks Rescuer: friends_havinga_a_tail
Хвостатые Друзья
28 собак ИЩУТ ДОМ
4276 4900 3879 4733
Григорий Андреевич Сбер
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#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
God's unconditional love was sent from heaven this season of love to teach us agape unconditional love. God bless.
Thank you for your compassion which needs to be given to every living soul.
Qu'es que c'est que ces vidéos on on nous montre des animaux qui vivent dans la merde .
😢😢😢😢😢>>> 🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕😀😀😀❤️🙏👩💼👩💼♥️
Porque no ponen el número de teléfono para DONAR por favor
Thank you for doing such a great job God bless 🙏
Pequeñitos hermosos….😥🙏❤🐕
No matter how bad mamma has been treated by humans she still wags her tail at the sight of a human.
They deserve so much better treatment that some humans.
Thank you for all those who help rescue and / or have rescued animals
Thank u for being such great people who risk everything to save "all" the unfortunate souls u have saved. Great job!!!!
Poor sweet mama and her sweet little angel's. How can anyone let their precious animals live like that they should be ashamed of themselves. I will never understand why people do this to innocent animal's it's so wrong and not right either. I swear some people make me sick and mad and angry when they let their animals live like that. These beautiful furbabbies shouldn't be living like this. Thank you for Rescuing them. I hope and pray🙏🏾 they all get adopted and be loved and cared for and be happy that's what they all absolutely deserve🐾🐶😘🤗😇💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
Aww sweet girl. She is trying to get the other dogs to play with her.
Thank you so much guys for saving them. God bless you guys and family too. 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
근대 강아지가 하얀 강아지가 색갈이 변 하 는 가봐요.흰 색이 없어요.
강아지야 여자 로 태여 나지 말아라 불쌍 하구나
How sad to see animals live like that
Thank you for rescuing those poor dogs, they would've died!!! I just became a subscriber 😉 Merry Christmas to you all 🎄☃️
This make me so angry with mostro why don't put in jail to this mostro
AMEN 🙏 I love 💕