FEMA coloring book indoctrinates kids on 9/11 and natural disasters

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MOBILE, Ala. – A page showing fire, severe weather, and flooding, all disasters that can have an impact on a family, especially children. All of these disasters were featured in a coloring book on the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s website, designed to help children cope with disasters.

But one page has parents taking the colors away. It’s an illustration of the World Trade Center Towers in New York. One of the towers has smoke coming out of it while a plane looks to be heading towards the other.

“They like to color happy pictures not pictures like that I don’t think I would like to give my child these kids of pictures to color,” said parent Brandy Greer.

Another parent, who was from New York, couldn’t believe the scene was in something intended for such young minds. She said she thinks the picture might actually scare a child, since most might now understand the horror of 9/11.

“I think there could be better solutions, for a small child that’s coloring. How would they color that to be honest? That’s not something I’d put in a coloring book,” she said.



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About the Author: FreedMind1


  1. I like the picture at 1:09  the lady has a newspaper with the event already, as you see it out the window and on live tv.   Reminds me of posting of donation sites befor other false flags.

  2. Isnt there a law "when the governments not working it can be overthrown?"
    Cause it kinda looks like its not working,(understatement)
    Or have the CHANGED THAT LAW TOO?
    Fed reserved is private owned thus so is the American Gov

  3. … nothing erases the fact that GW Bush murdered far more innocents than Osama Bin Laden ever did … The Guggenheim, The Tate, The National Gallery, The Louvre, MOCA do not target children with their displays … all the 'FACTS' about 9-11 have never truly been revealed … your facts are coloured by what the right wing propaganda machine has led Americans to believe … you have obviously bought the fear and are mirroring extremists by trying to indoctrinate the young and feeble …

  4. “We Shall Never Forget 9/11: The Kids' Book of Freedom” is ART. A “Cultural Response” to a “Counter Cultural Atrocity” against the free world. Since when was a drawn image considered an indictment? Better go and shut down PS1, The Guggenheim, The Tate, The National Gallery, The Louvre, MOCA and the rest of them. Confiscate pencils and paper. Congratulations America, you just surrendered your freedom of expression, your innate indigenous human right to make marks. All for Allah.

  5. @icemachine79 rofl so ur either ignorant as $hit or u are a disinformationist. Im going to give u the benefit of the doubt. assume youre ignorant. and tell u to look up readiness exercise 84 aka rex 84. or the only episode of "Conspiracy Theory with jese ventura" ever to have been taken off the air called "police state". Maybe u will see what people mean when they say "indoctrinate". its a very accurate description.

  6. More government is what it boils down to. I agree that the pictures are not warranted, but it's about there being a connection with government. It's all about having them trust government. And when the kids get to be 18, they will know nothing different than big brother, finger scanners, forced vacintations, terrorism, etc. They will easily be led just like all the people in Nazi Germany or Russia. People even CRIED when Stalin died, if that doesn't say something, I don't know what does.

  7. The people that make these videos just love the word 'indoctrinate'. Well, I'm going to go indoctrinate some food in the kitchen after I go indoctrinate the mail from the mailbox. Oh wait, I have to go indoctrinate myself in the bathroom first. What a bunch of crap.

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