He was chained and neglected 10 years on the field, sleeping in cold and eating waste foods
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This is the neglected dog named Yeondu. Yeondu is a puppy found in Jiksan-eup, Cheonan. On a hot day, he ate food waste without feed or water. Yeondu have an owner and the dog owner said there was a chip on her. I often go and look after the dog, but it seems that the dog is not eating and eating food waste. There is no water. Now it is getting cold. The pup is living in an empty, dark field. Can’t this pup have a happy family and new home..
Special thanks to: @yeondo_0428_story: www.instagram.com/yeondo_0428_story/
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#animalrescue, #rescuedog
She Dragged Her Body on The Hot Asphalt & Then She Collapsed
Sauver, protéger ces Êtres souffrants qui ne nous donnent que de l’amour 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Having a Dog Dont mean chaining and then up all the their lives and no food or water was wrong, the owners should have no water or food and be chain
Thank you so much saving him
its beutiful dog,yeandu a very2 smart doggy 🇸🇬💖👍
Fabulous to know he is happy, thank you!
This is a barbaric culture 10 years no excuse
What a lovely dog
Please help him. God bless
These people aren't humans that do this to voiceless animals. They are arseholes!!
Thank you for helping and rescuing him God Bless you all
Respect,let’s start petition for tougher law asap
Was ist das denn für ein böses Monster, der einem armen hilflosen Tier so etwas antun!Das ist so böse
Man sollte mit ihm wirklich das Gleiche tun!!!!!
Ich bin so froh,dass ihr ihn gerettet habt!Yeondu ist so ein süsser Schatz!
Ihr seid wahre Engel!Alles Liebe und Gute und ein schönes Weihnachtsfest für Euch und für die süsse Fellnase!!!!!!🙋♀️🌲🐕🥰
Graças você apareceu aqui
The dog is the best friend in life thank you very much from Lebanon with all my respect for you 🇱🇧👍😘🌷🙏
Thank you 1000.. times 🥰🐶❤️.
Merry Christmas.
Stole the dog to save the dog or ask the owner to let the dog go cause it was neglected
Deus abençoe
Poor thing, why do such people have animals? or what do they need them for when they treat them so cruelly ??, I don't understand, I don't understand !!!😌😌😌😌😌😌
What a smart and good doggie!