This is a compilation of all the introduction sequences I have made for my Shadowbringers 5.0 MSQ Playthrough series. It’s been a very long ride for me–mostly due to a ridiculously self-restrictive mindset regarding it–but I’m glad to have experienced it either way. Though this may be due to a bias of how much time I’ve sunk into it, but Shadowbringers stands as my favorite expansion so far, specifically in regards to its storytelling (the gameplay was quite fun too, though brief my time at max level was). I’ve grown rather fond of the First, perhaps even more so than the Source. The small dialogue moments really stood out here as opposed to previous expansions, and I am personally of the belief that it’s the small moments that make life all the sweeter.
I do hope we’ll be able to revisit and make more memories with our friends on the First sometime; I’ll miss them dearly.
Introduction – 0:00
[2] Parasite – 1:09
[3] Gluttony – 2:19
[4] Forsaken – 3:55
[5] Holminster Switch – 4:55
[6] Retaliation – 7:08
[7] Mischief – 8:03
[8] Dohn Mheg – 9:09
[9] Loyalty – 9:54
[10] The Dancing Plague – 10:29
[11] Reverence – 11:34
[12] Zealotry – 12:15
[13] Allegiance – 13:42
[14] The Qitana Ravel – 14:59
[15] Provocation – 16:41
[16] Trolley – 17:39
[17] Sacrifice – 20:04
Bonus – 21:21
[18] Malikah’s Well – 22:59
[19] Will – 25:00
[20] Revitalization – 25:43
[21] Vigor – 27:12
[22] Mt. Gulg – 28:48
[23] The Crown of the Immaculate – 29:09
[24] Presentiment – 30:44
[25] Luminary – 31:53
[26] Reminiscence – 33:48
Bonus – 34:47
Final Spoiler Warning (Part of Last Intro) – 36:04
[27] Shadowbringer – 36:23
Words of Thanks – 42:43
Note: Skipped the first episode’s introduction as that one was handled quite differently than the rest of the intros, being that it served mostly to briefly bring people up-to-speed on my current thoughts towards the Archons of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.
Twitter – https://twitter.com/LucronPneumerik
Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/lucron
Heya folks! This one is uh… pretty late coming out, but I finally got it compiled together, so here it is now! I hope you enjoy it! Also, the labelling conventions on the bottom-left are based on which video the clip is from.
As another little thing I felt like adding: a list of the intros in accordance of best to worst (in my opinion). (Beware: clicking "Read More" will open an enormous wall of text)
1.) Bonus 1 – Editing this got more tears out of me than any of my first-time experiences of the entire FFXIV story, including the 5.3 story hits. Granted, if I were to put in the time to edit something similar for the moments in 5.3, I'd probably get roughly the same or more tears out of me. Regardless: as of right now, compiling this one together got the most feels out of me, and strongly boosted my appreciation of the ShB story in the process. Lining up the comeback speech with the right beats in the music just nailed the message home even harder for me than when I first heard it. Yes, the same piece of music was playing during that moment in the game, but the timing and synchronization of the dialogue and music just makes all the difference for me.
2.) [27] Shadowbringer – I went really, really hard on this one. Being the intro to the finale video of my Shadowbringers 5.0 Playthrough Series, I wanted it to start off with a bang. This entire intro could be a video in and of itself, being that it portrays the WoL's entire journey in the First up until the final encounter. The trickiest part was figuring out what moments to include with each different part of the music, as my main focus was having it all be timed according to the beat and theme of the music. I'm personally quite proud of how I handled the transition between the Shadowbringer motif into the Crystal Tower motif. Another one I quite like is the fade-to/from-white transition into Minfilia's bit with the choir taking the stage. All-in-all, this intro was a culmination of my editing experience thus far, and I put my heart into completing this intro to be just right. Shoot, I think I spent over a week of just sifting through the Unending Journey journal alone in order to find just the right clips for each moment. It was long, arduous work, but the end result makes me want to do it all over again.
3.) [18] Malikah's Well – This is the 2nd video in which I wrote my own arrangement utilizing musical motifs from the game, and unlike the 1st time I did such a thing, this one actually feels like the music is balanced/mixed well with itself because it's… well, it's literally just a piano. Though my amateur and rusty piano skills are on full display here, I personally do like my choice of chords and style for this moment. I took the "Waking Sands" theme and put it in a major key whilst omitting dissonant notes for the first half, then transitioned into using the "Twilight over Thanalan" motif for the 2nd half. Unfortunately, I am nowhere near competent enough to be able to weave in dissonances, modulations, borrowed chords and the like into my normal play, so I had to resort to the more simplified method of doing music things. Despite my limitations, however, I really like how this one turned out. The piano is good at making things appear delicate and reminiscent when played softly, and by leaning into this strength, I was able to make the thing that I did, and I am glad that I did. It was a really, really big moment for a couple of the main characters, and I hope I did it justice through my attempt at arrangement.
4.) Bonus 2 – This one held a lot of significance for me. This was a lead-up to the climactic point of the story (of 5.0), and there was something just so… final and conclusive about this moment. Thus did I endeavor to compile the most rapid-fire and edit-intensive clip I've ever done by spending days accumulating short clips of various moments throughout the entirety of FFXIV in the Unending Journey journal, and then spending a few more days actually putting them together in a quickfire fashion to the notes of the running string pattern in the background. This was one heckin' DOOZEY to make, but by God did I want to make it right for the sake of one of the best video game stories I've ever experienced.
5.) [4] Forsaken – This is probably my favorite comedic intro I've ever done. I like just about all the jokes in this one, and I even got to attempt 2d (pixel?) animation by drawing out my character and the black mage minion in the style of the indie game "Papers Please" for the sake of a reference joke. It also strongly endeared me to the Chais when I realized just how much they added to the story with their interactions and character dynamics. It was also the first intro I worked on after taking some criticism regarding my humor style in the previous videos to heart, and after making this intro, boy am I glad that I did!
(Splitting this into 6 different comments due to word cap limitations)
tfw my name was spelt wrong lol. but its fine! great video al always <3 thank you for the great content!
The world needed this.
seeing this all just reminds me how much love and effort you put into these videos. And makes them all worth the wait. I'm so happy that you've enjoyed the previous expansion and the current one, and hope you don't overly stress yourself about doing things in a timely fashion. As is evident the quality more then makes up for it.
Urianger sticking cards into Emet-Selch's forehead get me every time.
Thank YOU for being you and I love these parts! 😀
i love the contrast of silliness and seriousness.
I never realized the running gag you had of Vauthry BSODing almost the entire expansion until now lol.
I also really respect how you key in on the dramatic moments and enhance them. A lot of people I think would lean too heavy on the humor once such a brand as been established but you know how to double down on both humor and the drama. Also props for all the music and other things you've made yourself. I didn't even realize some of the pieces were made by you they just fit so well with the game.
I really hope you may do a thing or two regarding endwalker, but regardless the shadowbringers series of yours is great and sometimes I even revisit it due to how well edited and emotionally charged many of these segments are.
This did not disappoint. It's like an abridged series of the whole thing.
I swear intro 16 had me in tears, and then inro 17 had me laughing and crying and then laughing again
Oh hey, my name's up there.
Your first experience with the Crystarium's music and that dude with his phone in the hurricane makes me laugh so hard. Every. Single. Time. XD
You cant do that o.O Now I'm having PTSD again from Tesleen – and I thought I recovered @.@
Can't rush art <3 love these!
now we just need a compilation of the little black mage bits
Hope you had just as much fun making this as it was to watch this masterpiece!
i STILL get full on brain chills for the bonus 2, [Reminisance] ITS SO GOOD, that and shadowbringer is so good
Hey, Lucron, quick question. Are you plans on doing compilation videos of your Endwalker playthrough? Obviously it's a different vibe than your ShB playthrough, but I think a lot of us would like to see that.
I laughed, I somberly held it together as my insides cried again. It moved me.
Fuuuuuuuck no matter how many times I see it, the outro to 26 ALWAYS gives my shivers. The soundtrack, the editing, the scenes of the journey we've been on to get here, and Ardebert smiling at you at the end it's all just chef's kiss
Thank you for all your hard work putting this compilation together! And for editing this intro vids for your play through in the first place! Your journey through ShB was such a blast to watch unfold 🙂
I forgot that the Vauthry "loading" bit was such a long-play joke!
One brings shadow, one brings light
Two-toned echoes tumbling through time
Threescore wasted, ten cast aside
Four-fold knowing, no end in sight
One brings shadow, one brings light
One dark future no one survives
On their shadows, away we fly
There will never be a better finale song then this.
Excellent love the flamethrower still
While I really like this compilation, I kinda miss having Li'll Lucron in the mix so much, such as when he was regretting teaching Lucia black magic ^^;
YESS!! 😁
Truly an absolute treat! All the Feels and the Lulz.
So glad we got to share in your experience.
Hope you're also having a great time with the Endwalker Experience.
Sad i wasn't up there even tho it was Patreon only
Been a very long journey indeed, from played WoW for 15 years to FF14 for 15+ months
That Tesleen part still gives me this heart wrenching feeling no matter how many times I've seen it.
We are blessed.
An absolute treat, as always! 👍
Came for the funny bits, ended up being blown away by the amazing final recap. If that doesn't get you pumped for the ending, I don't know what does.
This is masterpiece! Thank you a lot!
And now time to make an endwalker one
It is a pleasure supporting you. Thanks to you there is a wonderful series to share of shadowbringers to others.
You reminded me of just how emotional shadowbringers was. Im just doing my roulettes and breaking into tears. I miss shadowbringers…
could even call this Shadowbringers Abridged
I want some of these clips made into gifs or vines.
i think my favorite intro joke has got to be the one w/ ranjit and the exarch. the way ranjit scuttles out makes me laugh every time