Episode 1: Walking with the Dead examines some of the most haunted places in the state of Indiana. See evidence of unexplainable paranormal events like visits from turn-of-the-century celebrities at Tuckaway House, appearances of Lady Rivoli at the Rivoli Theater and the angry energy of past prisoners at Hartford City Jail.
The title says " caught on camera" but this is mostly talking about people's experiences.👎👎
Judy is playing with fire..she acknowledge n they luv that n tearing her house down..there pissed…
I know this is hard to believe,but at the 59.02 mark there are little people down there,their the same little people some people see on the NASA Mars pictures,their very little and their wearing clothes,i can see one is a girl and the other one looks like a boy,you can see the boy at the 59.03 mark on the bottom left side of the video,he has dark hair and hes moving,i think what the team encountered was Aliens,and i'm not saying there isn't any spirits there but there are little Aliens down there,and they could be with bigger Aliens like the Greys,and they hide very well, they use some kind of camouflage that we can't see them.The samething happened with the Australian Team,they investigated some Island and caught a Alien on video,they experienced lights flickering and Audio problems just like this team,when the Australian Government found out they caught a Alien on video they shut the team down,there's a video called Sir No Face,and you can see the Alien on video.I know this sounds crazy but if you look really hard you can see little people in this video.I think one of these little people pushed on the women's legs and almost made her fall,maybe she was going to step on him and he had to push her,and she thought it was the energy of a Spirit.The little person is right on the bottom of the video on the left side at the 59.03 mark,he looks young,he looks like he has black hair and you can see him moving around.
( Leave your comment in English )
Actually Goblins, Ogres, Monsters , Dragons, Aliens ET , Bigfoot ,Demons , UFO , Devils , Fairies , Ghosts, Mermaids etc are all Fallen Angels . But the human spirit exclusively belongs to the human – alive or dead tbh
What do ye say guys ?
I wish for once they wouldn't scream at everything and assume they are evil.
Is a man on the upper left corner,on the roof at 20:03?
Am I the only one not seeing anything they are pointing out as ghosts?
We live in a constant flowing ocean of spirits ,not totally in 3d,maybe 4 d.
The only thing that is really scary, not really…. more like teeing off people, is the music….
It should say, "This film may piss off some viewers because it is crap."
I watched my grandfather die basically. He went from looking at me to through me. When I spoke to him it was like I wasn't there, yet he would turn his head to look at someone who wasn't there. He would talk to that person. It wasn't anger, sadness, or happiness. He would follow something and just say yes or no. My mother was actually with him when he passed. She said he was actually talking to her then he turned his eyes to someone beside her. He just laid his head back and closed his eyes then took his last breath.
The lady that writes down all her experiences on post it notes and puts them on the wall?? That's probably not a good idea if there is indeed some spirit messing with her. Because it confirms that she was affected by the experience. If the spirits could see that, why would they stop if they know that they are in fact making contact with confirmation via post it notes all over the wall?? You would be better off writing bible verses on the wall if you want it to stop.. but I think most people say these things just for attention and publicity..
the photo of the to lady's in the grave yard. in that photo there r more then just those to lady's
This type of praying and behavior will send you straight to hell. Heed this warning.
Also, all you people complaining about ads, pay for YouTube premium like I do. It's sooo worth it!
Also, the English guy sitting in the chair at the end of this is full of shit!
Dont talk or contact death people. It’s very bad for you . Bible .
17.45 what he says I agree with ,these are demons pretending to be peoples spirits
I was a skeptic, but from about 2001, I've watched videos and studied cases , and with cameras everywhere I've seen things, I don't believe there all hoaxes, but so many people claim to have powers and tales of psychic ability, it only confused the subject, so I have a critical eye, but there's something to spirits or ghosts, whatever you call them.
DONT BREAK UP the EARTH………RICH people ONLY DIE like animals…………too many cities…..towns…..farms…….everything ……..is a HEAVY LOAD on Earth……..and that’s what causes ………FLOODS…….tsunamis……..all bad weather…….disasters…….and DISEASES………cancer,……covid……..ALL illnesses……….ALL over the world………ever since the world started………they have sold for as long as they can………and have killed many ……people……….there is nothing but…..SLAVERY……..adultery……….LYING……..cheating………..evil and dirty……man made rules……..they go country to country……..All foreigners are LIARS…….no ones safe…….Praise the Name of Jesus Christ
Prayer is a must………cemeteries………are not to be disturbed………or disrespected………thankyou lord for ……….safety……….blah blah……….sorry lord…………for disturbing ………my point is ………just because they are in a grave………. they are invisible……..with demons………and other angels……..spirits……….and Jesus………is the only good Prince of Peace……..that exist……..within us all………because that’s the reason we must fear God…….not people…….praise GOD
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Fake AF
I wonder why people who don't believe this type of stuff, click on the video anyway. It's like a straight person watching gay porn. They probably do that too.😂😂
Mediums are doorways for spirits to enter.
Perhaps if we have the fewer that have actually experienced real shit tell us their story, we wouldn't have much of this grandiose fake crap.
Its what people want when they seek out paranormal documentaries, instead of this generic rating bait that didn't stay behind with the 80's
At the time of 20:22 it looks like a goat head with its horns curled up if you know what I mean, the Ram perhaps but definitely looks crazy for it to manifest into one thing to another etc.
At 9:35, I can see the two ghostly women walking through the cemetery. I can also use my Pareidolia Superpower to see a woman THROUGH them, clear as day, wearing a long white overcoat and carrying her black purse in her left hand, and I can see, on the right hand side of the frame, the ghost of an old Airstream camper. If I search hard enough, I'm hoping to find the hidden bunny too.
Why does Judy give these entities so much of her time and attention? Is she a researcher?