Mujer encuentra una caja de cachorros en el desierto en un día de 43 grados, y le cambia la vida ❤️
¡Un agradecimiento a Elizabeth por adoptar a Zelda y Link!
Sigue a Breck en TikTok: https://thedo.do/Paigerico e Instagram: https://thedo.do/paigerico.
Puedes apoyar a Zelda’s Foundation for Animals haciendo un donativo en: https://thedo.do/zffadonate y también puedes seguir su trabajo en Instagram: https://thedo.do/zffa.
¡Si amas a los animales, suscríbete a El Dodo! : https://thedo.do/2BsuN4o
Síguenos en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sitioeldodo/
El Dodo en español representa a todos los amantes de animales. Somos parte de la familia de The Dodo y celebramos tu pasión por estas bellas criaturas, así sea en español…. or in Spanish 😉
Para los que aman a los #animales.
#eldodo #animales #perro #gato
Siempre, hay un ángel 👼, enviado, por dios……
Awwww your sooo awsome taking all these little Angel's please keep these little babys I dont trust anybody with any animals keep all them
Te felicito!!!! Muy bien lo que hiciste con esos hermosos cachorros
En varios comentarios he leído que se abandona inconscientemente y no creo que sea así, creo que se abandona de manera muy consciente y deliberada, con absoluto desprecio por la vida de los cachorros. Y esas conductas deben ser responsables de sus consecuencias, que en algunos países donde el maltrato animal es penado llega a ser la cárcel. Así que no repitan más que se abandona inconscientemente. La insconsciencia cuando se comete un acto lesivo inhibe de responsabilidad. Y gracias a la persona de buen corazón 💖 Siento que en cada rescate así, nos rescata un poco a todos 🐈🐶🐾
Mas k felicidade,😁 um anjo k você tinha k passar ali p os salvar.obrigada. tudo de bom p vocês.🥰🥰🥰🥰👍
El que los dejo… Bendiciones y que la vida te cobre, y a quien los rescato, ya tienes ganado el cielo gracias por rescatar a esos lomitos
Son ángeles que llegan. Mi gato llegó a mi vida caído del cielo (lo botaron) y lo adopte y él me salvo a mi ❤❤❤ Adopta 🙏🙏
Cudowni ludzie jak dobrze że są życzę zdrowia oraz dziękuję za ich ofiarność 😘💝🍀
Bendiciones para ti por haberlos ayudado en ese momento que lo necesitaban 🙏😍👏
👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️preciosos cachorros
Es lo mejor que le paso a esta bella persona yo tengo 2 felinos y 2 cachorros en casa son mis hijos los bebes que todas las personas deberían tener son una bendición saludos desde Chile 😃😃
Eres un ángel Dios te bendiga muchachita hermosa
En mi familia al ver ke no le ofrecen comida, los apartan o un pekeño golpe a un perrito le decimos ke se esta kondenando por lo ke hace, komo chiste ke "al perrito no lo maltrates ke si no te vas alla abajo😈"
que hermoso :')
Como se puede tener un alma tan sucia tan negra abandonar a unas criaturas tan indefensas así y listo. No me extrañaría que hiciera lo mismo con sus hijos si le estorbaran porque está gente así no tiene conciencia ni empatía por nada
Que hermosa, bendiciones a tu vida por tan hermosa alma bondadosa que tienes ❤️
Mi mayor admiración para esta chica, tiene un corazón tan hermoso. Mis bendiciones y respetos, eres una heroina. Que Dios te guarde siempre y esos perritos te esperaran en el cielo para toda la vida y lo mejor te convertiras en un hermoso ángel 👼
There are people saving dogs but there are also dogs saving people … God bless this girl for rescuing these innocents and making their lives better.
Vielen vielen Dank für die Hilfe WUNDERBAR 👍❤❤❤👍DANKE
La que está para adoptarla es a la dueña
Quién aria algo así
Such lucky pups!
El Señor bendiga ricamente q la persona que adoptó a estos animalitos.
Personas como ella hacen una gran diferencia. Este mundo necesita ser más agradecido con los animales y la naturaleza. Espero que la gente miserable que los dejó botados en esa caja tenga una respuesta igual de ogt por parte de la vida.
Dios bendiga a esta mujer y a muchas otras personas que hacen lo mismo.
Hermoso … lloré
Que historia tan hermosa 💓
Muchas Gracias por compartir el como todos podemos hacer el cambio . hermosa historia como todas … bendiciones 🐾.
Que lindo es ver que hay muchas personas de buen corazón y reparan el daño y la maldad!!
Gracias por rescatarlos💟😊🐕🐾🍀
Gracias gracias por tu gran corazón y por ayudar y rescatar a los perritos personas como tú hacen la diferencia en este mundo tan malo 👏🐶🐶🐶😘
Heartbreaking, poor homeless babies😭where is their dearest mother Dog💞🐶🐕🐕🐕What will happen with all these sweethearts beautiful Dogs after this rescue CHECK ON ALL ADOPTIONS ALWAYS♥️Love Dogs like You love Yourself, comfort them, understand them, and always help Dogs❤️🍀Place human-dog friendship and great love above everything, in first place. STOP KILLING DOGS. * BAN breeding Dogs. Forbid Dogs euthanasia. BAN poisoning Dogs. STOP HIGH KILL SHELTERS. STOP KILL SHELTERS COMPLETELY. Animals must be with only those, that can provide them with the best care and real love.
Dogs are the most tortured animals in the world. Every year, millions of dogs are thrown out into homelessness. They are needlessly bred, mistreated, tortured, killed through homelessness and by pervert caretakers who breed dogs for sale or for food, leather, fur. BAN CRUELTY TO ALL DOGS. THE LAW MUST BE CHANGED. Ban using Dogs to fight. Stop chaining Dogs. Ban leaving Dogs outside in Winter and bad weather – Dogs must be with the best Caretakers in loving homes. Dog Lovers must do more, even with giving opinion. Dogs that are not wanted should be put down with morphine, if they cannot be put for adoption and taken by very loving persons.
Ban dog breeding. Dogs should live up to 100 years, like the Dingo's in ecological and clean nature, where soil, water, air and food were pure. Almost all shelters should be closed, except a few that are government approved and sponsored to preserve the species, and where the dogs will be bred in very small amounts for the pure love of the species – not through rape that is done by most breeders, or even forcing dogs to mate, or in-vitro which is also forcing to breed. A loving owner does not have to sterilize his pets because his/her care is so good that mating is not allowed. Sterilization is against nature, it's very painful, deprives the body of needed physiology, hormones, deprives the body of a natural way of cleansing itself and accelerated aging, also causes psychological changes that are unnatural.
Dogs were since thousands of years humanity's friends around the world, among all the other animals. Within the last decades, in literature, within scientific circles, among artists and also among common folks – dogs are being treated as best friends and loved the most. Stop using Dogs and all other animals for testing in labs. *♥LOVE DOGS LIKE YOU LOVE YOURSELF, COMFORT THEM, UNDERSTAND THEM, AND ALWAYS HELP DOGS️💞What happened with all these sweet Dogs, and what will happen ?♥️All channels, organizations, should check on their Dogs ( rescued, adopted, having, showed…)🍀🐾Wishing You sweet Dogs, and all Dogs, loving forever hearts, good homes and the best Caretakers❤🐕🐕🐕️🌿💞WE LOVE OUR DOGS MORE AND MORE EVERY DAY, ALSO THE OLDEST SENIORS♥️
Every dog at home, must have a litter box accessible at all times, because this is the animals health, it suffers without it, and this is a cause of pains and ailments which become more severe over time. Almost all owners mistreat their dogs, ordering them to hold their needs and relieving themselves only when it is convenient for them. The dog is the only animal in the world, that man forces to relieve itself only when it is proper for him/her, which is unacceptable abuse. A dog must clean its body as often as it needs, by itself and whenever it needs it. A dog is the only pet friend kept at home that cannot – is not allowed to – relieve itself at home. When we take a dog home to be our friend – and all dogs should be treated as such – it needs, close to its bed, a litter box. Especially when it is older or sick, because it can have more than one bed at home, depending on the apartment/house size. These places must be dry, warm and clean, but not hot or cold, not where there are chemicals. The bed must be well washed and very well rinsed to not leave any chemicals, like for small babies. It is not understandable, and not forgivable, that people keep dogs at home without a litter box, and they say that they love dogs and that dogs are their friends. Many people abuse dogs and even throw them out on the street (make them homeless), because dogs can't keep their needs and relieve themselves at home at some point. Some even have their dogs put down for this. That's why many dogs that suffer, because they cannot relieve themselves at home, and suffer pains, have difficulties with breathing, and increasing ailments – can sometimes vandalize things at home, are restless, howl, cry or lie and cannot move.
A doggie toilet can also be a canalized shower tray/shower base. Dogs should never use a human toilet, because it is dangerous for them, not only difficult. Respect all Dog's needs♥️🐾🐕🐕🐕💦🍲🍗🍔🌿🍖🏩🏠🏡🏨🍀🐶🐩🐺🌿💞🌍🌎🌏🌿❤️
Remember that a dog feels like a person – suffering, pain, the need to relieve itself, it needs to go out and get fresh air and movement. It needs to be able to move at home and outside, and be safe. People are responsible for their safety.
A dog must have drink as much clean water, as it needs. A dog cannot eat only food that is made specifically for dogs, especially low quality, because it will get very sick. No irradiated foods. Avoid artificial preservatives, flavoring, colorants.
A dog owner eats more than one meal per day, and they are balanced for nutrition and taste. Everyone needs a balanced diet for health and taste, no one can withstand the same kind of food, all the time, which not only is disgusting, but also causes ailments. The dog is forced to eat what it is given by its owner, but it should be able to always pick, to always have a choice of variety.
Love dogs, because they deserve it. Take care of them very well. Remember, that dogs are dogs, that they have their specific needs and their ways of being, of their species. Since hundreds of thousands of years, people all around the world, treated Dogs as their best friends and dearest household members. Never use dogs for sex, it must be forbidden.
Scientists talk about growing meat on shelves (production for testing purposes has successfully begun) – of many animals – which would be the best for our world today, because there won't be animal killing, which is barbarian and very painful. This would be most humane. The world needs such technology, which would be not only most humane but also ecological. 🐕🐾 🌷🌷🌷 People who rescue dogs and other animals are really great. We appreciate your sacrifice. Many people love a dog like a dearest person, like a best friend. Best Wishes! 🐕🐾 🌷🌷🌷
Co.o entendieran las petsonad que notan los perritos que deben de esterelizar alos perros adultos solo asi se termina esta maldad con los animalitos
Mil gracias fuiste su ángel me siento feliz por ellos eres un ser admirable que Dios te bendiga
A Dios gracias que existen personas maravillosas, gracias por ser como eres. 😘😘😘💚💚💚⚘⚘⚘👍👍👍👏👏🌸🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 gracias gracias gracias 💕🐕🐕🐕 por no ser indiferente ‼️ por nuestros hermanos sin voz ‼️🙏🐕🐕🐕😍🕊️
Tan pequeñitos e inocentes.
En un mundo grande, hay personas que abandonan inconscientemente y, al mismo tiempo, existen seres humanos que salvan, rescatan y reparan las vidas de tantos animalitos preciosos que merecen vida, amor,respeto y cuidados.
Esta rescatista es una valiente,pues, son muchos los que siguen de largo en la carretera,más,ella dio el paso adelante en auxilio de estos cachorrritos.
Mis respetos🙏💗
Gracias Dod💗 y cariños a toda la comunidad💚🍀🍃
Adopta,no compres