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66 million years ago, maybe on a Tuesday afternoon, life was the same as it had been the day before or a thousand years before or pretty much a million years before. Things were good for our feathered dinosaur buddies. Until a tiny, tiny detail in the sky changed.
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65 million years ago…I dont think our brains are even designed to comprehend that amount of time.
Don’t Look Up: The Dinosaur Cut
I wanna see one more thing having to do something with nukes. What If we blow multible nukes AT the secer of earth?
It's good that dinasaurs are extinct.If they would have lived.Than our living would have been difficult.
if dinasour is still alive i'd be riding t-rex as my pet right now yeeehaa
This video made me so sad 🙁
Who's here after watching Don't Look Up ?
The people in “Don't look up“ should watch this video.
We shouldn't be so sad about climate change. It is just a slower meteor. There will be life after humans. The planet doesnt need saving, let's sit back relax and enjoy our temporary existence
4:24 why is dat Dino on the top middle , WALKiNG TOWARDS THE FISURE
Going to watch this video because I saw "🚫Don't 👀look ⬆ up! " and I want to know what to expect in the near future …
I rarely subscribe to anything, because I'm always more curious about where the rabbit hole of the algorithm will take me. But I subscribed to this channel just now.
1:18 ayo is that a bagel
Anyone after seen "Dont look up"? jajaja.
i feel like for a past few days that ive found this channel, im listenint to all this curiosities through sobs over cute and sad drawn animals
Who came here after watching „Don‘t look up“?
What a fantastic video.
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08:38 Well, the Super Mario Bros movie scientifically explored this very well.
What would happen if we found a "killer asteroid" on its way to a direct impact with Earth today?
One asteroid and everything is over just like that..maybe life will find a way, but will it again ever have the just right conditions to evolve consciousness and intelligence again.
Damn dinos sticked around for quite a long time, if we are able to survive that long we will certainly become atleast Type-2 civilization.
Incredibly made…
6:00 this is fine
Can anyone explain me why this video is translated to like 10 languages, and Spanish is not one of those?
Could I translate it?
Dinosaurs didn’t go into extinction like this. This is false.
It's like watching a horror movie…..
Who's here after watching Don't Look Up 😄
This made me really sad cause these poor dinosaurs didn't even know what happened
but i thing something is wrong why earth was look like today before dinosaur pangea happened?!
He lies in all the video
This channel is deliberately sick. Stop the lies
Somewhere, say 66 million lightyear away in the space, some intelligent lifeforms observing earth might have been astonished/devastated to see that the very planet they thought would be brimming with life has turned black in color. Damn! I feel sorry for them now
crying thinking abt all the baby triceratops that’s were melted or destroyed in some equally horrible fashion
No such thing as millions years ago. Dinosaurs died mostly because of Noah's Flood. Get a clue and quit living in your Fantasy world.
I need a full length, Netflix documentary about Dinosaurs in this sort of style, although maybe a bit less saturated and more earthy tones.
Dinos during this point
Dino1: we will die!!
Dino2: No we not
Dino1: Points furiously at meteor