Who are you and why do you look like Dave Grohl? What are you doing in my suggested videos?
Even if the hamsters are physically fine (which they probably aren't) do you know how easily stressed those little rodents get AND how severely stress affects them?
well said
I thought this was about real drama, not people complaining about completely valid criticisms, Its super obvious the safety shots were fake because the hamster landed squarely in the middle of a box that covered maybe one tenth of the total bridge size, so either it was a fluke the hamster happened to fall right there, or, its faked.
This is more fake than a kid who comes to school with his “300 dollar shoes”. Btw I’m talking about the squid game hamster glass thing
Who think Charlie is recarnation of jesus freaking christ.
if this community can thanos snap someone like max, hamster guy should be ez prey. its kinda alarming to see the number of people in the channel's comments who either disagree that it is abuse or blatantly "don't care".
Great video, when I worked at the mall I used to take massive dumps at the Sears there, then I discovered Nordstroms had a bathroom and I started to punish the porcelain in there soo much that they had to change the bathroom into another changing room. I was so angry that i started taking dumps in the dressing rooms, i didn't care, I got so mad at one point I was $hitting in the old navy and marshalls dressing room. Johnny law finally got involved started investigating the phantom poops. They added extra cameras and security did more rounds. I almost got caught when I started $hittin in the security office sink, but I was able to pin it on a pregnant co-worker, she was abruptly fired. I eventually graduated community college and left that job and went on to fufill my true passion. This is my story .
He mentioned that it’s common for animal rescue channels to actually put the animals in danger in order to appear to save them – is there any evidence for this? I’d be so let down by humanity if this was true
Surprised people would come to the defense of the video maker so readily. Channels like this are a dime a dozen and it's pretty unfortunate. I certainly share Charlie's skepticism.
A few inches ha? All i have to do is drop by? Ok
as much as I hate and I mean genuine, unbridled hatred towards these little demon balls, This shit is so fucking lame I fuckin hate the animal abuse trend
Hamsters could have died easily from shock after falling
Hamsters are nothing like cats. Twitch chat is just funny of idiots.
I had no idea about the hamster video(s) until now. Time to go check them out. Thanks! 🔪
My little sister dropped my hamster and it died the next day. I don’t know if there’s any connection it just died
I can't believe some people would defend animal abuse especially when its obvious with such bad editing. They could of showed the same hamster falling into safety yet they didn't which should be alarming and that's probably because the hamster was either extremally hurt or died so they just got a hamster with similar color instead. Its upsetting that so many of these hamsters are clearly being used and replaced like nothing.
Wide Charlie
Hello, I invented hamsters so I can confirm that they are indeed as fragile as glass when you drop them from 4,528 feet in the air.
This is when you know people are going full braindead when they are criticizing someone for being concerned about potential animal abuse lmao, humanity is a fucking mistake.
I had hamsters for years and they fell on a few occasions. Once my hamster Colt fell from about 2-2.5 feet and we were extremely worried there was a broken leg. Those YouTube account owners know the risks (as does everyone who has owned a hamster that lived on a higher self) yet still decided to record these… awful.
Hamsters are not like cats. Their limbs are like little twigs and they are VERY top heavy. Cats have very strong limbs and have evolved to climb things and drop from great heights while absorbing the impact. They have the muscles for it. Hamsters are very fragile. I've had a few hamsters as a kid and I can attest that some of these hamsters in those videos definitely broke their legs. They're not good climbers and they definitely don't subject themselves to the sort of impact from great heights as shown in the videos.
Hamsters could literally kill themselves by farting💀
Thank you for cutting through the shit and caring Everything you’re saying makes perfect sense There is an Ocean of stupid out there don’t ever let it wash over you
Thank you for defending these animals that are victims from such a stupid and selfish video.
Charlie, thank you for addressing things in an adult way instead of acting like a little kid, I know a lot of people on this app that just whine and say they are in the right with no evidence, but you confront things in a proper manner and I couldn't be more thankful for it.
Charlie's eyebrows are really just spare moustaches.
As you know buddy, people are stupid and suck. Haha. I wish you the best man. Hope you’re doing good.
Of course the hamsters were safe, didnt you see the behind the scenes, they showed a hamster falling on a cotton box that is 1/3 the size of the "glass" bridge that should be enough to guarantee the hamsters wont get hurt, right?
P.S: for those that dont get it that was sarcasm, i agree with charlie on this one.
bro like come on, if they did this with a dog with the same concept and same body mass/height ratio the reactions would be completely different, I doubt there would even be a video then. instead of 30 inches replace that with 30 feet and put a golden retriever up there with a generic name and have it enact squid game. putting your pet in a dangerous and psychologically damaging situation is never funny, cute, or cool. you're an animal abuser if you think otherwise
Morale of story dont put animals in dangerous places be responsible
The sound is better here. Much better. Stay happy!
Who are you and why do you look like Dave Grohl? What are you doing in my suggested videos?
Even if the hamsters are physically fine (which they probably aren't) do you know how easily stressed those little rodents get AND how severely stress affects them?
well said
I thought this was about real drama, not people complaining about completely valid criticisms, Its super obvious the safety shots were fake because the hamster landed squarely in the middle of a box that covered maybe one tenth of the total bridge size, so either it was a fluke the hamster happened to fall right there, or, its faked.
This is more fake than a kid who comes to school with his “300 dollar shoes”. Btw I’m talking about the squid game hamster glass thing
Who think Charlie is recarnation of jesus freaking christ.
if this community can thanos snap someone like max, hamster guy should be ez prey. its kinda alarming to see the number of people in the channel's comments who either disagree that it is abuse or blatantly "don't care".
Great video, when I worked at the mall I used to take massive dumps at the Sears there, then I discovered Nordstroms had a bathroom and I started to punish the porcelain in there soo much that they had to change the bathroom into another changing room. I was so angry that i started taking dumps in the dressing rooms, i didn't care, I got so mad at one point I was $hitting in the old navy and marshalls dressing room. Johnny law finally got involved started investigating the phantom poops. They added extra cameras and security did more rounds. I almost got caught when I started $hittin in the security office sink, but I was able to pin it on a pregnant co-worker, she was abruptly fired. I eventually graduated community college and left that job and went on to fufill my true passion. This is my story .
He mentioned that it’s common for animal rescue channels to actually put the animals in danger in order to appear to save them – is there any evidence for this? I’d be so let down by humanity if this was true
Surprised people would come to the defense of the video maker so readily. Channels like this are a dime a dozen and it's pretty unfortunate. I certainly share Charlie's skepticism.
A few inches ha? All i have to do is drop by? Ok
as much as I hate and I mean genuine, unbridled hatred towards these little demon balls, This shit is so fucking lame I fuckin hate the animal abuse trend
Hamsters could have died easily from shock after falling
Hamsters are nothing like cats. Twitch chat is just funny of idiots.
I had no idea about the hamster video(s) until now. Time to go check them out. Thanks! 🔪
My little sister dropped my hamster and it died the next day. I don’t know if there’s any connection it just died
I can't believe some people would defend animal abuse especially when its obvious with such bad editing. They could of showed the same hamster falling into safety yet they didn't which should be alarming and that's probably because the hamster was either extremally hurt or died so they just got a hamster with similar color instead. Its upsetting that so many of these hamsters are clearly being used and replaced like nothing.
Wide Charlie
Hello, I invented hamsters so I can confirm that they are indeed as fragile as glass when you drop them from 4,528 feet in the air.
This is when you know people are going full braindead when they are criticizing someone for being concerned about potential animal abuse lmao, humanity is a fucking mistake.
I had hamsters for years and they fell on a few occasions. Once my hamster Colt fell from about 2-2.5 feet and we were extremely worried there was a broken leg. Those YouTube account owners know the risks (as does everyone who has owned a hamster that lived on a higher self) yet still decided to record these… awful.
Hamsters are not like cats. Their limbs are like little twigs and they are VERY top heavy. Cats have very strong limbs and have evolved to climb things and drop from great heights while absorbing the impact. They have the muscles for it. Hamsters are very fragile. I've had a few hamsters as a kid and I can attest that some of these hamsters in those videos definitely broke their legs. They're not good climbers and they definitely don't subject themselves to the sort of impact from great heights as shown in the videos.
Hamsters could literally kill themselves by farting💀
Thank you for cutting through the shit and caring
Everything you’re saying makes perfect sense
There is an Ocean of stupid out there don’t ever let it wash over you
Thank you for defending these animals that are victims from such a stupid and selfish video.
Charlie, thank you for addressing things in an adult way instead of acting like a little kid, I know a lot of people on this app that just whine and say they are in the right with no evidence, but you confront things in a proper manner and I couldn't be more thankful for it.
Charlie's eyebrows are really just spare moustaches.
As you know buddy, people are stupid and suck. Haha. I wish you the best man. Hope you’re doing good.
Of course the hamsters were safe, didnt you see the behind the scenes, they showed a hamster falling on a cotton box that is 1/3 the size of the "glass" bridge that should be enough to guarantee the hamsters wont get hurt, right?
P.S: for those that dont get it that was sarcasm, i agree with charlie on this one.
bro like come on, if they did this with a dog with the same concept and same body mass/height ratio the reactions would be completely different, I doubt there would even be a video then. instead of 30 inches replace that with 30 feet and put a golden retriever up there with a generic name and have it enact squid game.
putting your pet in a dangerous and psychologically damaging situation is never funny, cute, or cool. you're an animal abuser if you think otherwise
Morale of story dont put animals in dangerous places be responsible
The sound is better here. Much better. Stay happy!