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Hey, I’m Sonny! I’m from the US but I’ve been living in Asia for 10 years and started making food and travel videos to document my experiences. I travel to different parts of the world, hunting down and documenting the most unique food each country has to offer.
If you see any factual food errors in my videos, please feel free to politely let me know in the comments. I’m a huge fan of trying different, interesting foods in each country. My show is from a Western point of view, but more importantly, MY point of view. It is not meant to offend any person or culture.
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HOST » Sonny Side
DP » Tony Sylvers
PRODUCER » Gabrielle Nain
LOCAL PRODUCER » Andalusia Soloff (IG: @andalalucha)
COLOR & MASTER » Quí Nguyễn
Selected tracks via Audio Network
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I think the only animal which has not beed taco'ed is Tyranno. Surely even a panda was wrapped once – even if it was an "accident"…
Haiti next please!!!
Mexico is a white country?
3 hrs 😯😯😁😁😍😍🤩🤩
So it’s awful weather on the most boring what to do kind of day… what’s that?…. 3hrs of content from Sonny… awesome 👏🏽 .
isnt irony a bitch? so many cool mexicans… whos kids take education away from cool americans kids….
That roast pig is just nasty
2:06:58 I should call her
I thought this was 3min and 14secs at first but damn 3 hours of BEFR! Food yeah!
99% disgusting 🤢 🤮 This video is a poor representation of Mexican cuisine. He shows the disgusting side of it. The equivalent of showing off cheap hot dogs as "American food". Mexico has so much more to offer. Bug tacos, nasty grease bombs and entrails is not all Mexico has to offer.
Amazing video Sonny!
Mexicans would be very proud of this full episode 😉
1:32:40 actually the ultimate apex predator is the Orca
El heart-O?!?! Sunny you hurt my little Mexican Heartizon.
When you gonna vist afro Mexicans they were the ones who made Mexican food great with there african Influence
The dog sonud !!
Jazmin and Carolinne🥰🥰
I’m from Pittsburgh and I never seen ketchup from Heinz that dark😅😧 why’s it so different ?
Mexican food will bring out the Native in you…. ♡it.
I feel like I am eating a rug 😂😂😂
No not fear, they smell beer ya!
How insulting that the inventors of some of the most used vegetables are called bad at farming.
2:53 🤣🤣❤️too
dont eat fucking bugs!!!!
I hate these videos where you rehashing stuff we just watched.
The real question is how long did this take to render and upload lol
The nuts were not walnuts, they were pecans.
You claim to be a food expert but ask if a white colored meat is beef?
Sonny, you should work on the proper pronunciation of all your attempts at any foreign or uncommon words and using terms BEFORE being the 'typical' Gringo mid-western clueless and obnoxious tourist. You are better than that, and you have a very successful YouTube show and a very loyal following. Bring the show up a level from slapstick teenage to sophisticated adult humor, not degrading of various cultures or their beliefs and ways, but complementing and highlighting them. Quit the 'Funny Faces,' Vaudevillian stuff, and Jerry Lewis slapstick crap; you're too old for all that outdated Adarondak crap! It's just not funny from a +30 YO, Just saying.
Pre Mesoamerican food? Chickens werent indigenous to the Americas. This dude makes up sh1t
The wild fowl was presented by the natives of America to celebrate with the Pilgrims… before their slaughter and bondage.
As turkeys were native to the area it was believed to be them and has been carried down in tradition.
There's not a lot of things I'd spend 3 hours watching and this doesn't even have any orcs. This guys doing something right
That's interesting about the soup part. Sounds like blackmail to me. Just like that guy named* Michael in the states. These people have no humanity if they boiled* people. It makes sense why they would blackmail people to kill others and boil them to be seen as cannibals.
Not* human but cannibals. Who starts a conversation about a legend of people boiling their enemies when they invite a guest to eat? Someone who is directly indirectly threatening you. 10:52… Pozole…. 53:12: black shirt and army pants witchcraft linked to my rfid and silencing.
I was watching something about how full documentary always get people attentions more 10 snippet shows are more about punchlines here you really learn the culture
Incredible tour of food and culture!
You have to go to Puerto Rico man!!