It’s a known fact that conflict is required for good drama and there is plenty of that in the wild. Have you ever seen two bison’s fight each other? What about two yaks? If you want to see some angry animals take the stage, keep watching as we look at the top 15 horrifying battles between animals.
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Tiger Vs Tiger
These two tigers get into a battle, but it doesn’t last long. The two felines continue to walk together as if their differences have been resolved. These two tigers engage, biting and scratching each other for a few seconds, after which they calm down, only to go at it again for a few more seconds. I guess they pull fits in sequences and need to pause between them. These two tigers fight over a piece of meat that looks like another animal’s leg. One of the tigers retreats and submits to the dominant tiger. A tiger sneaks upon his friend, and they engage, but it doesn’t look too serious. It looks more like they’re playing cops and robbers and having a little fun. This hybrid tiger tries to intimidate a tiger and he does a good job of it, as the tiger backs up and submits. These adult tigers get into a scuffle in front of a few cubs and show them how it’s done. Or perhaps, one of the tigers is telling the other one to behave. That’s what married life is all about
Bison Vs Bison
Some people, I guess, like to go camping in the wilderness, and when they do, they’re bound to see some amazing things, like two Bisons going head-to-head. These two beasts are smacking heads in the middle of a campground, and they’re not joking. More Bisons, as well as some humans, are watching the show. I just hope no one is sleeping in that small tent because they could be crushed in an instant. During mating season, bison bulls compete for the opportunity to mate with over fifty females. Bulls demonstrate their dominance by wallowing, bellowing, and challenging other bulls. When a female is close to estrus, a bull will stay by her side until she is ready to mate. These bulls are massive and vicious, and their fights are exciting, with the strongest male taking home the prize.
The males begin to taste the air in order to pick up on the scent of any females who may be ready to mate. Competing males walk in parallel before a fight, assessing one another. They spray urine on the ground and then roll in it to wreak havoc on their own hormones. These ritual displays can deter rival males without resorting to a potentially dangerous fight, but they do not always work. Even so, most fights are resolved in a matter of seconds. A few, on the other hand, escalate into full-fledged battles. They weigh nearly a ton and use power and speed to try to knock each other off their feet. This male is fortunate to have escaped a fatal stabbing. The prize for the winner is a whole harem of females. These males have harems, just like humans, with the exception that humans do not fight for control of their harems. They just make it up as they go along and keep it a secret. The guys sniff the air for a potential mate, but there’s plenty of competition, so they’ll have to deal with more than just a bunch of pretty women!
The bison bulls will continue to fight until one is victorious. The valley has been transformed into an arena for the biggest fight of the summer. This one-ton colossus is only interested in one thing. He is the stallion of the herd, and he intends to keep it that way. He does, however, have a problem: there are far too many females. He’ll have to fight on multiple fronts because many of them are in heat at the same time because he doesn’t rule over a harem. He is not the females’ owner. When they’re ready, they mate with the first dominant man available. That male bison has been identified as this bison. Hundreds of adversaries fantasize about mowing the grass beneath his feet. He must completely persuade them. He easily defeats most of his opponents, but he is never without a challenge.
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Background Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
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Errrrr "Two bisonAPOSTROPHEs"? "Two Bison IS"?
I can see that the Merriam-Webster Fictionary works wonders on your grammar……..
While in the Marine Corps stationed at Camp Pendleton we were in the field. One mourning I was awakened by the worst smell that I have ever encountered. I looked out of my sleeping bag and as a herd of buffalo were walking past us.
9:14 "reminds me high school in some ways" 🤣🤣🤣
the domestic cows are waiting for autographs from the musk ox🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣…this guy commentary is the best
The hilarious commentary is my most favorite.
Tigers fights are always the best and im talking about real tiger fights in the wild not in captivity in the wild they fight for keeps if u don't know what I mean I'm saying fight till death some of the time Either way fights in the wild are so much more intense.
That bloody hybrid tiger released by idiot zoo keepers to fight the Female Tiger but i bet that Tigress can still choke that dublicate breed
I guess these videos are combined after awhile. I saw some of this before. Still good.
Whats a bizon geezer?
That guy is funny😂😂😂
Irritating and childish commentary. Best watched in mute. DISLIKE. Far too many errors, such as
1 lions and tigers not sharing the same continent,
2 musk ox is two separate words
3 its WILDEBEESTS, not wildbeests,
4 At 1.5m tall and 66 kg cheetahs are not ''not very big''.
5 At 17.21 he lifts her REAR legs!
18.03 so much SHOW???
19.08 'did it get into a submarine'??
20.05 'it appears to want to kiss it'??
And this is one of the better BRILLIANT (??) videos.
Rabbit fighting off a snake!Not so many animals can be so bold. She did it so swiftly she didn't care about being bitten herself.
Eagle ricochets the lake and catches the seagull beautifully…
Why did the people set the tent in the bisons` herds? hahaha…
I thank you for your kind explanation…
putting animals together to make them fight, makes me sick
I love this drama…great stuff.
Nice vid!
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