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Everybody gangsta until the naked man whips out his sword
Let he who has never done stupid shit piff the first empty beer can.
3:14. haha
Why did that vehicle accelerate by itself when it turned on?
4:35 bro this man is genius
hahahaha put the thief to clean the car 4:28
Finnish clips
There are a lot of Ford Focus owners in that video!
I Love FailArmy
These sound effects are garbage
Я думала, что диагноз ,, блондинка"– это для рашки, а оказалось, что ,, блондинка " не имеет национальности.
U know the one who drove into the house over and over was a pissed off wamen…🤣
Parking brake. It's basic stuff really.
if youre 100 lbs ovberweight and wearing blue crocs…whatever happens to you happens to you
3:12 must be from China first day driving a car 😆😆😆😆7:17 cars like hell no I don't want that cheap gas im outta here
Do people not know how to put their cars in park?
5:54 perfect time 👍
Many videos are duplicated from other videos that have already been uploaded.
Thank you America.
2:36 And then they cry that they get shot lmao
Thief pulls out knife
Victim pulls out gun lmao
And the award goes to thief car washer !!!
7:53 So powerful everyone felt that
That supermarket lady looks so handsome with her determination and bravery! ❤️❤️❤️
LOL that lady really tried to push the break with her hands instead of just jumping into the car