Here’s a mega compilation of some Ozzy Man videos for ya! I thought it would be fun to put a bunch of ’em back to back. Go check out me MERCH: https://www.ozzymanshop.com
Follow me 2ND CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/ozzymanspodcast
Source videos:
Ping Pong Rally
Man vs Window vs Car
Old Bloke vs Brown Snake
Dog Retrieve Toy From Cat
Cat Scared of Lizard
Magpie Hanging Upside Down
Battlebots Minotaur vs Blacksmith
Marble Video (Jelle’s Marble Runs) and Dumpert.nl
Rifle Drop
Cows Discover Yoga
Knockerball Rodeo Soccer
Hobby Horsing (Multiple Sources)
Cheers ya legends!
Who in their right mind would ever utter the phrase "can you film me stretching in front of some livestock "?
Gramps really karated that 🐍
How do we send videos to you ozzy man
My nephew and his wife hit a man and killed him on their wedding night . The man killed was way of the legal limits being intoxicated and my nephew didn't get into any trouble .
“He’s like an undisciplined erection”
I lost it there Ozzy🤣🤣🤣
8:20 The window smasher getting hit by a CAR 🥳🏆🏆🏆
Prancercize has been taken to a whole ‘nother level, hasn’t it?
Snake guy filming you are a nit
Love the hobby horse 🐴!
I remember seeing that video of the old codger kicking the snake in the face when it first came out absolute bloody legend
Cocktaur 😂
That unsolved mysteries music sure takes me back
That big rubber ball does absolutely nothing to prevent breaking your legs. Still looked cool af tho lol. I could watch ppl do that all day I won't participate just spectate.
"f#ck real horses"
#BusinessClassTicket ??? Lmfao #LostIt!!! WTF wowww is #PrimoStuff
I dare you to yawn without laughing at Ozzy Man's Commentary 🤣 😂 😴 😆 #FunnyAF #FairDinkEm
Ohhhh, there it is!!! Nigeria 🇳🇬 has gone and f**ked it, blew their load! Lmfao WTF
Ozzy Man is an International Treasure 🤑!!! #GreatestSportscaater of all time!
Hobby Horse competitions? Did I drop LSD and forget?
🤣🤣🤣🤣 the damn hobby horse shit
All I can think is Monty Python's Holy Grail….😅😅😅
Hobby Horse tournaments? I remember some of the girls (and some guys who were just way ahead of the pack) playing around with them as kids but its now a fully fledged sport?
Thats a new one on me. Whatever floats your boat I suppose.
oh ffs that cat part 😅🤣🤣🤣
The old bloke in the first clip has Aussie written all over him
Casually strolling along "Oh look, a snake. FUCK OFF, YA BASTARD"
This is hilarious. If ozzy WOULD'VE EVER been on battlebots as a commentator i would have watched every god dam episode. I was dam near crying laughing at that bit.
Old man walking like that coz his balls are so heavy!
Driver of red car – “Zaebiste!” 😂😂😂
This is hilarious
Great narration, funny as hell!
I'm depressed AF and just laughed till I nearly pissed myself over the panicking cat.
Hahahahaha and another dude takes a flight to destination fucked
I can proudly say I correctly guessed the winner marble
who's in me posse…..I see what you did there.
Americans play football while being chased by a bull how are they still alive
What the fuck is up with the stickhorse people? Are they insane?
F for the poor M1 Garand. That could have been at Normandy and Bastogne, then at Chosin. RIP.
They should have more respect for them.
I hate that whoever was filming that cat int the tub didn't help the cat but just kept filming. Not cool.
I am shitting my pants right now.