5 Crocodile Encounters You Probably Shouldn’t Watch
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Watch the FULL crocodile encounters playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDW80JRAkuE&list=PLqREUt1n_PzfaE4Fupxqr-prN5SfXP1Iu
Credit to the owners of these clips:
#5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo2Bcs7btMY
#4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ283tO7Jcw
#3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSj1puaBgnQ
#2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7vitPDZUEM
#1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDVq43eZxfw
In this compilation video, we go over multiple clips from saltwater crocodile attacks and alligator encounters. What makes these ”caught on camera” moments so scary is the fact that they were filmed in remote areas like rivers, swamps, lakes, billabongs in Texas, Florida Everglades or even Australia.
We feature a clip where a a man hand feeds a crocodile in Costa Rica, fishermen get attacked by a crocodile in Australia, a few men canoeing in Indonesia get charged by a huge crocodile, tourists feed Brutus the crocodile and an alligator eats a bird.
Scary animal encounters with crocodiles and alligators are actually way more common than you might think. They often happen to people who are swimming, fishing, kayaking, paddleboarding, boating or duck hunting.
It just turns out that some of them were lucky enough to capture footage of these near death experiences that almost went wrong on camera and go pro. This leads to some very creepy videos and ”man vs crocodile” moments.
Get ready, because these alligator vs man moments could easily be considered near death experiences are sure to give you the chills.
DISCLAIMER: All materials in these videos are used for entertainment purposes and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. If you are, or represent, the copyright owner of materials used in this video, and have an issue with the use of said material, please send an email to clawsforbusiness@gmail.com.
Make sure to let me know which clip freaked you out the most!👇😨
Selamat anda menemukan komen orang indoensia:v
Claws back at it again with another classic 🤙
i once fell in the water and a croc was there and my dad jumped in front of the croc
Crocs Shark and bears
Wow super big the crocodile.
“ you shouldnt watch”
Also claws: * uploads on youtube *
Edit: 2:50 they are speaking indonesian language. And the guy said Makan dulu Means lets eat first
How to be safe around gators and crocs
1) Examine them from afar
2) Never approach
3) If they are basking let them bask
4) Just don’t feed them
On number 2 that aint a croc it is a alligater
Ada riska
Regardless of the reason, humans who play with food should be eaten.😡😡😡
3:10 wtf he didn't even flinch?!
കേരളത്തിൽ നിന്നു ഞാൻ
Man these encounter in Florida it's Tuesday .
The third video is from Indonesiaa
It's so crazy
Number 3 is indonesian youtuber named fitriyani riska the only 1 friendly crocs on earth
Currently scared of rivers.
When you feed a Crocodile 🐊 it may be a kind gesture in your view but from a predator's view you re food source. Sometimes I think people ask to be a meal target just leave the animal alone.
*Speaking Foreign Language
Being there makes you the foreigner actually LOL😆
last one was watch ou watch out watchou it's johhhhnnn cennaaaaaaa!!! tentennenteeeen
His voice make these videos more horrifying
The first video was scary
1:44 unreal how big they can get. 🤭
Important to stress that for safety reasons, all of the crocodiles in this video were played by actors
In indonesia that croc is riska
Number 3 is Riska from Indonesia
Interior crocodile alligator, I drive a Chevrolet movie theater
All the crocs in this are big boys
Wasn’t that scary @ Claws
hello, I'm from Indonesia
Why do people want to put themselves the situation with fully know that they could end up in the belly of the beast
From Indonesia, the Croc name its Riska.
Wah ada pak ambo dan Riska , from Indonesia