Last Video of the year! I hope you will Like this compilation of December 2021. 2021 was special because of you guys! Thank you so much for the love and support you guys have shown. See you next year 😀 Happy New Year 2022 😀
When you realized that silly litttle key chain was actually a gift to save your own life ❤️
Nachos and mayonnaise dip?
And what hurt the Santa in story three.
I would have said no in the second story because it’s bad to follow strangers to so called “candy factory’s” in the woods because they could try to kidnap and kill you. And there’d be no candy factory so yeah. Never do it if it happens to you.
Would you be interested hiring a female for your female parts? Not saying it’s needed but let’s just say I’d be interested… hint, hint
Beautiful Time length for bedtime I promise 👏🏾🎬🔥
It’s called having a gun
The third one actually got me creeped out ngl.
why so scary x`x
y’all take orders at the window?😭
Your safe in the comments if you like this comment
Stop begging people to subscribe and like your videos. They are free to do what they like. Dont post videos if you are demanding.
Charlie lucky
can u put pictures in the stories of the real case i makes it way more interesting
I love your videos that have real crimes and horrors in them. If you make more, and/or put one in each compilation, I would watch more of your content.
200 minutes of excellent content. nice work!
There sons James and Charles. James charles!
I think Santa took the job a lil too seriously😭
C'mon subscribe people
No Billy that’s a pimp…
I been subbed for years, you don’t gotta worry about me unsubbing
I like how I watched all there videos- Because they are awesome 😀
1:50:43 Got a dead person or two alive and talking. Is that normal?
The meat story is hardly far from reality. Especially with chickens and other birds. They inject them with a lot of steroids and shit so they will be bigger, and they get so big they can’t stand up. Also, they pack them into these huge warehouses with no room to move around. Pigs and cows are also kept in conditions where they can’t even lie down or turn around. The dairy and egg business isn’t any better Meat animals suffer horribly.
Happy new year Imr
No one gonna talk about how the prize for kids was a razor blade
Does the narrator from the second story sound like Benny from New Vegas or am I just crazy
I loved the santa dad story 😀
The vengdfull santa
NEVER let the Tamla Horsford case die
Demon story equals. Parents groomed child into being religious child genuinely afraid of Witchcraft and Demon rate ends up trying to physically fight something they genuinely believe is Supernatural ends up blaming herself for parents Behavior.
She would not have attacked the individual in the demon costume had she not been groomed into believing they were real creatures that could hurt her she would have known someone was playing a prank on her
24:57 is a murderer…don't think killing him was the best way to go about 😳
Love de True Crime Footages…Very Informative😎
We want a whole 2021 compilation 🥳🙃I'll literally sit and watch the half a day long video
Last Video of the year! I hope you will Like this compilation of December 2021.
2021 was special because of you guys! Thank you so much for the love and support you guys have shown.
See you next year 😀
Happy New Year 2022 😀
When you realized that silly litttle key chain was actually a gift to save your own life ❤️
Nachos and mayonnaise dip?
And what hurt the Santa in story three.
I would have said no in the second story because it’s bad to follow strangers to so called “candy factory’s” in the woods because they could try to kidnap and kill you. And there’d be no candy factory so yeah. Never do it if it happens to you.
Would you be interested hiring a female for your female parts? Not saying it’s needed but let’s just say I’d be interested… hint, hint
Beautiful Time length for bedtime I promise 👏🏾🎬🔥
It’s called having a gun
The third one actually got me creeped out ngl.
why so scary x`x
y’all take orders at the window?😭
Your safe in the comments if you like this comment
Stop begging people to subscribe and like your videos. They are free to do what they like. Dont post videos if you are demanding.
Charlie lucky
can u put pictures in the stories of the real case i makes it way more interesting
I love your videos that have real crimes and horrors in them. If you make more, and/or put one in each compilation, I would watch more of your content.
200 minutes of excellent content.
nice work!
There sons James and Charles. James charles!
I think Santa took the job a lil too seriously😭
C'mon subscribe people
No Billy that’s a pimp…
I been subbed for years, you don’t gotta worry about me unsubbing
I like how I watched all there videos-
Because they are awesome 😀
1:50:43 Got a dead person or two alive and talking. Is that normal?
The meat story is hardly far from reality. Especially with chickens and other birds. They inject them with a lot of steroids and shit so they will be bigger, and they get so big they can’t stand up. Also, they pack them into these huge warehouses with no room to move around. Pigs and cows are also kept in conditions where they can’t even lie down or turn around. The dairy and egg business isn’t any better Meat animals suffer horribly.
Happy new year Imr
No one gonna talk about how the prize for kids was a razor blade
Does the narrator from the second story sound like Benny from New Vegas or am I just crazy
I loved the santa dad story 😀
The vengdfull santa
NEVER let the Tamla Horsford case die
Demon story equals.
Parents groomed child into being religious child genuinely afraid of Witchcraft and Demon rate ends up trying to physically fight something they genuinely believe is Supernatural ends up blaming herself for parents Behavior.
She would not have attacked the individual in the demon costume had she not been groomed into believing they were real creatures that could hurt her she would have known someone was playing a prank on her
24:57 is a murderer…don't think killing him was the best way to go about 😳
Love de True Crime Footages…Very Informative😎
We want a whole 2021 compilation 🥳🙃I'll literally sit and watch the half a day long video
1:27:49 "once twice ✨thrice✨
Aw happy 😊 new year and I love ❤️ the stories from December 2021
Hi imr i am a big fan of you guys pls do some stories on big foot
hi t
Excellent work. Happy new year!
You should make a valentines video close to it
This was Fantastic:) thank you 😊I hope that you and everyone else has a Wonderful new year 😀be safe ok 💋much love Sexy Queen of Darkness ✌❤