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4:58 I just feel the pain watching this..
thats wierd me and my family are arab and we now how to open the meat can
12:50 as someone that just got my wisdom teeth removed and can't eat solid foods yet that looks sooooooooo good
You don't need the foot mask you would just go to the place where you have fishes and eat your dead skin
8:17 this,this makes me hate even more humanity and make me love more animals,animals don’t judge you,you give them food and love? And they’re going to give you love and respect in change (not all animals tho but most of them)
5:36 no ill go first. the extinction of humans
I’ve seen the foot mask about a million times but thank you for ur time in making these vids keep up the good work
At first clip its NileRed in case you don’t know
18:00 my guy was crying
I want 20 minutes of my life back
i would unlimitedly fund a mission to create an indestructible space shuttle that can reach the end of the universe
Did that- idk what its called- just take a shit???
5:25 0 – 0
17:42 but first punch his nuts -> if female proceed to what these gentleman show.
I love the intro because i luv netflix
im sorry but the elephant mout had me thinking wrong
Why do the people cutting the ice balloons always look so stressed?!?
9:42 so i guess there is a way to be born with a diaper
The one at 2:40. Bruh don't all people know that???