NATURAL DISASTERS from 26 – 28 December 2021 сlimate changе! flood, volcano eruption
The release features natural disasters around the world. Climate is changing, and this is very noticeable Climate Change!, that’s where the power is !!!! ,
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NATURAL DISASTERS Massive Landslides Caught On Camera 2021 https://youtu.be/JLW8HKR4kuc
So since the United Nations too is Babylon the Great and the USA sdtarted it,my holy spouse wants to just drop the sun to the earth and end it.
Friends Martin Luther King is nabuchdensewr from Hell. George Soros is Caiphas from Hell. Trumpo is worldwide mafia and casinos. Obama is he stupidest i casn say about Torquemada,Osama Bib Lzaaden. He claims he is dead and gone. He is alive in the Middle East too. cant just shoot him nd win. Casper Weinburger is HGitler. George Bush 1 is George Washington from Hell. Herod is Arafat and the USA gave him a Nobvel Peace Prize. Mother thresea isd the nun who hated and was jdealous of my Aunt Louiuse Catalogna,St. BernAdettes real moms daughter,Heddy Patty Smith Mothher Angelica is a French bAroness from the deepoest part of Purgatory never to get out, Pope John XX111 ius Pope John XX11 Medici who stareted an Ecumenical movement to prfove my first couysin the Blessed Mother needed him during the message of Garabandal Spain when she said uch is to be learned about our heArts from an actress,me,and Padre Pio a[pproved it to be passed around the world when I was only 10 at Notre Dame of Bethlehgem Church on Catasaqua Rd in Bethlehem,Pa wheree my grandfather Father John ooney,St. John the Baptist, helped build the church from a barn.There has never been even 1 president from the USA who went to Heaven. Biden ias going to Hell too. Hillary is going to Hell too. Truman is in the deepest part of Purgatory at the gatewaty to Hell. John F Kennedys whgole family weeven ones still living arew burning in Hell.Judas iscarit is Netenjaju from GHell. The king of Syria is even King Ferdinand of Spain from Hell. Pontius Piulate is Pablo Escobar and his woman in charge next to him isd B;loody Mary. Nancy Reagan ais Queen Elizabeth 1 from the deepest part of Purgatory never to get out. so id give up With GOD startewd 30,000 Protestant churches too.
When they stArt teaching my holy spouse St. Michael the Archangel is crumbling the world away,worldwide disasters will let up from him. If not,he is dropping the sun to the ground totally.
What does this all mean??
Deus avisa e manda ajuda os humanos zombam dizendo que é só um eco do silêncio. 👷♦️Ⓜ️♾️
Ich glaube an die Allerheiligste Vierfaltigkeit , weil die Gottesmutter Maria in die Allmacht Gottes aufgenommen worden ist . Hochgelobt und gebenedeit sei die Allerheiligste Vierfaltigkeit von nun an bis in alle Ewigkeit !!!! Halleluja Halleluja Halleluja Halleluuuuja !!!! N U R der Glaube an Gott und die Gottesliebe wird uns retten !!!!!!!!!!
OMG! now man blames all natural disasters on climate change. Doesn't look like climate change to me. These events have been happening for years and now with all the new technology of filming these events are being seen more often and are being used to scare the people.
that happen if the nature strikes back… .
Thanks for no long speech
rrWejHHeI 👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽
more than half of them are not disasters, they happen every year, just poor management
Dude what am I even watching? This video is legitimately horrible.
NO CLIMATE CHANGE!! It IS a VERY Large incoming planet with others that IS causing ALL this so called climate change. It is
10 times the size of the Earth. You don't have to believe me, buut you WILL see it in the sky soon.
I am 60 years old and a student of history. I am a believer in prophecy. Climate Change has become a very evil religion. Stop worshiping it and turn to the only true God, the Father Of Abraham. I know that He exists and that the world is growing old. Jesus Christ will come again. The angels in Heaven have held back until this day of wickedness to "pour out their vials" of earthly destruction. The events are part of preparing the Earth for it's own resurrection and eternal glory. They are also meant to turn humankind from their arrogance and drive them to their knees. God loves all of His Children, even when things seem at their worse. All will be well in the end for those whose hearts are humble. God bless all.
These are all God’s end time signs, Repent and be born again in the name of Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.
So bad stuff happens in the rest of the world but not China, awesome
Don't build on the floodplain there is a clue in the name
It always rains in Ireland
Thank you for the updates.
Have a good and safe 2022.
Isaiah 26
20 Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until his wrath has passed by.
21 See, the LORD is coming out of his dwelling to punish the people of the earth for their sins. The earth will disclose the blood shed on it; the earth will conceal its slain no longer.
Nie klimat sie zmienia tylko….NIE MA ZADNEGO OCIEPLENIA KLIMATU, a to tu jest manipulowaniem danymi z roznych regionow swiata aby straszyc ludzi..
Its not climate change , its people doing stupid things and it ends with dissaters . All these changes we do to the enviroment , they do have consequenses .
Climate change lollll These have always happened
Jesus Christ warned us of what will happen in the end times,
and that disasters will increase to biblical proportions, while
evil and tyranny and lawlessness will consume the globe.
Jeremiah 25:32 KJV
Thus sayeth the Lord of hosts, Behold, evil shall go forth from
NATION to NATION, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up
from the coasts of the earth….. Jesus Christ is warning us all
please heed His warning. People please look at what this world is
like & how it is getting worse everyday, much love to all the people
of the world.🕊🙏❤
REPENT, Believe in the Life, Death & Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Believe that He lived a sinless life, that He died for us, was buried
and rose to life again on the 3rd day and ascended up to Heaven
where He sits at the right hand of the throne of GOD. Believe in the
Gospel of Salvation, become born again in Christ by calling on His
Holy name for remission of sins, follow Him and be Saved.