Scientists Just Made A Chilling Discovery Inside This Lake After This Happened Overnight

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Scientists just made a chilling discovery inside this lake after this happened overnight. Today, we take a look at what scientists found inside this lake.

The complexity of our earth and universe is underscored by the fact that science’s most brilliant minds have been puzzling over its mysteries for lifetimes. For every amazing and jaw-dropping discovery that is made, hundreds more lurk beneath the surface of our knowledge, just waiting for the next great mind to unveil the solution behind its mystery.

Thank you for watching!

Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!


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About the Author: Unexplained Mysteries


  1. This 'Eclipse' is BULLSHIT!
    If Anyone Looks Up into the Night Sky- We SEE MILLIONS OF STARS- Yet- This 'PHOTO' shows Only a Dark Spot on the 'Southern Point'?
    BULLSHIT! How STUPID Do These 'Scientists' think that EVERYONE IS?

  2. Well, I must say, at times I think how wonderful that the universe (by and large) is seemingly pro-life, then, my mind snaps me back into reality, being absolutely positive it wants to kill us! Isn't it a fine line that sometimes the death blow for one biological era, is the breath of life for a new iteration of lifeforms! It would seem life's will to be is at the least every bit as tenacious as the trials placed upon the living, when seeing the darker side of the universal perils abound, life catches the rebound. It is indeed a hard knock life for us! Instead of Eden, we get sticks, the fruit we're craving, we can't pick…d>_0b

  3. I bet the McMurdo Sound webcam caught that eclipse quite well. If it did, then EVERYONE can "surf" down anytime & check the webcam archives & SEE what it looked like from down there?!

  4. I peer Reviewed a government report about a project in Africa where the CIA approved a Carbon sequestration experiment that involved pumping tons of CO2 into the ground under a lake bed. This worked just fine until an approaching thunderstorm caused a massive atmospheric-pressure shift that caused the gas to escape during the night suffocating surrounding villagers while they slept!!

  5. That is not a satellite image, there are no satellites far away from Earth to capture the entire globe in 1 picture. This channel talks absolute nonsense.

  6. Scientists Just Made A Chilling Discovery Inside This Lake After This Happened Overnight, back in 1986 but their still kinda freaked about it in 2022 🤣🤣🤣 this guy has his finger on the pulse

  7. Lake Monoun, also in Cameroon, and Lake Kivu in Rwanda are like Nyos, CO2 buildup in all three lakes have been discovered to be deadly. I saw a documentary about different plans to vent the CO2 with controlled releases of the gasses. It may have been focused on Lake Kivu, not sure. But I remember the lake was very near, or in, a heavily populated area.
    Lately, it seems to me, the Earth is attempting it's own form of population reduction; CO2 emissions killing villages, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis and wildfires…All doing their bit in the big scheme of things. Oops! I forgot the unprecedented rain and snow storms that have recently been hitting the west coast of the U.S., Canada and many places in Europe, Japan and Indonesia.
    Tornados in December?! What about the hurricane, (typhoon) that just decimated Philippine islands? P.I. is above the equator, it shouldn't have had any storms of that size this time of year.
    All this on the eve of launching one of the most highly technological wonders of our time: the James Webb Telescope. Insane.✌😸
    P.S. Happy New Year!

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