Hey boating fans! This week we’re just keeping it real with an ad free no frills collection of boating fails!
We’ve been absent for a week or so, we are working on some changes to our channel so stay tuned. This past week on the water has been wild, we’ve been busy as so many boaters are sending us videos and photos from the water. If you sent us a clip please be patient it will get on our YouTube or Facebook channels, maybe even our website hauloverinlet.com
We also have a brand new website coming soon that will have a forum for sharing and discussing boating, fishing, and more!
For even more fun check out our Facebook group Boat Fails of the Week or our Instagram @badideaboating
00:00 Smack! @tony alm @x275bull
00:08 @doug_carroll
00:14 @samwest.fishing
00:33 @theyachtcap
00:44 On the rocks in Nantucket @scholtzie01
00:48 That’ll leave a mark @danielmarsh8
01:03 Beached! @kaytaybay10
01:22 Danger in the night! @dpfrench0
01:38 Still there! @kaytaybay10
01:48 Oof! @james jumby edwards
02:01 Dredgin! @kyledenman550
02:16 Tried to jump the median @eddie_rux
02:30 The scenic route @ninathepinta
02:37 @capt.joshbenton
03:05 Long weekend…. @jgraham7728
03:16 MEMES
Always looking forward to your uploads! Thanks for uploading and having the funny bits at the end! By the way, if I type "Haulover" in the search bar, I can't find you so I've had to make a Bookmark!
Where's the new upload you use to upload way more frequently.
The hell don't people have a bailing bucket for just recording
Still the best site for boating fails . Well done .
Dudes in the sinking Ranger . . . have they ever heard of bailing? It's not that difficult, just get a bucket and START BAILING LIKE A MADMAN! Bilge pump & drain plug may enter the equation somewhere also.
If anyone is interested in some engine room videos on yachts I just found this channel.
That's not how you dredge.
Someone forgot their drain plug.
Never seen a prop with invisible blades before. Cool. 🤣
So much cringe in less that 4 minutes. I intentionally try to not laugh at the misfortunes of others, as chance does happen to all men. Sometimes it's chance and misfortune and other times it's complete incompetence or intentional idiocy.