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Happy New Year everyone ! Im wishing all of you an amazing 2022 full of laughs , good health & of course , animals ! 🎉🐯🦊🐻🐒🐍
Love you all !!!
Oh my God you kach foxy the fox I well miss you
Why is the roof of my dogs mouth soft it squishy why
Rip to the fox i hope he’s resting in heaven 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿
the por fox
I absolutely love foxes! Thank you for saving this little guy! 💓
Oh my goodness this is worth reading for everyone but mainly women. These unfortunate events took place in Manchester Ardwick Neighbourhood. Last week on new years day for 2022 a muslim woman got punched and thrown by an idividual on a bike. He tried taking her phone and bag but failed to do so, so he punched her leaving her on the floor and this woman was with someone else too. This incident accurred in broard daylight at 3:30pm. Then today, 06.01.2022, just before 6pm another muslim woman was walking home just infort of the highschool, deans trust, and through describing him its seemed to be the same individual who came upto her and threw her onto the floor with his bike and then asked for her bag. She resisted and he pushed her head onto the bus stop pillar and took her bag, phone, jewlry and cards. This individual is a white man who goes around on his bike with a balaclava covering the bottom half of his face and in his mid 20s. It has happend twice now so i am please requesting that you share this messege to keep us all safe, escpecially the women as this individual seems to be targetting women. The police have been notified but there seems to be no action. Please be careful and may Allah (or God) keep us all safe. Amen
oh my god my fave animal
Remember that brown water snake you saved five months ago you should have named him Bongo
Poor thing love your vids
OMG that poor fox I feel so bad I love animals and this poor thing
Well done for helping him he looked so poorly well done!
I ha e dog name samba
Well lets hope jacob doesnt Gets a Mic now
I am always inspired by all the things you do for animals, and you got me so scared when you chased the fox (though it was kind of funny lol) I wanted to know how you do it, my dream is also to have my own zoo like you have but I don't know how, I just watch all the video you upload hoping one day I could be amazing like you. If there is anything you can suggest me, please let me know, I sent you an email and I hope you a great New Year!
Do you have lion in your zoo????
Poor baby, he's in a better place tho for sure, you're a good dude