these are true scary & creepy animation
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UNIT #522
Terrance Nicholson
Merrily Mary
Nightmare Files
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: https://youtu.be/mxKX-RKF3C8
Darkness Prevails
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CO.AG – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA
The first story is similar to the Netflix show Hellbound.
may the dog that died rest in peace and remember that all people who kill dogs have a special place in hell
at 30:01 if he keeps going back my guy gonna go to narnia
It’s based of the Netflix show about giant things and burned them to a crisp
So that devil is kind because he showed the kid's father xd
The first story is taken from hellbound right? 🤭
17:22 John wick mode activated
I think the first story was inspired by ‘hellbound’ the Netflix show
With the "rules" episode..WTF is wrong with some people..If you fall in LOVE with someone..YOU are in love with everything about them..including children.
The fourth story reminds me of Hellbound
So the last one Mateo just disappeared?
28:03 style change 1000 XD
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BRO i legit had a dream about hell exactly when this video was uploaded I have goosebumps…
“IDKY but I feel like my dad is in hell”….. yeah no shit Sherlock lol
Yes the last story might be true, im fillipino and my culture has this monster thats like a that lives on trees its call like caprie idk how to spell it but its sm like that
The first story seems like drawn from Netflic series HELLBOUND.
Thumbnail looks like superjail convict
When that guy killed that dog my heart shattered 😃👍
Happy New Year Wansee! All the best for the year ahead man.
Congratulations on your 500th video! I'm a proud subscriber.
Why his dad couldn’t pray to God before 5 years? He would had been save .
The powerpuff girl scary origen story.
Isn’t the first one hellbound lol
The 1st story is like the movie in Netflix you guys should watch it it sounds exactly like this. It’s called Hell Bound and when I heard this story I instantly thought about that movie. And when I saw that big thing it looked exactly like the character in the movie
Are all his stories real? Not only the ones in this video, but in general.
She then learned it was a grave mistake 2 cheat Raxlo in a game of cards. Once she leaves the bar, Raxlo, watching her in the alley way, sees her leave & get into her car. While she's applying make up, Raxlo then turns into a black liquid mass which is his physical demon form & enters thro the holes in her car. He appears behind her & she then feels his dark presence. To her horror, he is not in his human form. He was a strong muscular demon with firey eyes & had black sharp teeth. He tells her, "U dare cheat me?" She replies, "What the hell r u?! Raxlo replies "I'm Raxlo the Demon & u cheated me in a game of cards. As punishment 4 your sins, I will kill u & drag u straight 2 hell. Wait, no. I'll eat u instead." She screams as he comes 4th & violently beats her while eating both her arms & legs. All her blood & guts spilled out. Raxlo seeing her soul leave her body, he drags her straight 2 hell & throws her into his pot of souls where her soul would forever be tortured 4 eternity in hell. She cries & begs him 2 let her her but 2 her horror, Raxlo was already gone & the demons approached her & she knew what was gonna happen. Raxlo having jumped from hell, he hears her horrifc screams & he knows the others will have unholy fun. He smirkes & reverts back into his human form as if nothing had happened. He then returns 2 his game, waiting 4 another unsuspecting victim 2 catch.
What is that big black thing?
A comment
The first story is a copy cat of 'hell bound' on netflix.
bru Wansee never disappoints
nahhh bc the crazy mother's no phone at night rule, I ALSO HAVE THE SAME RULE 💀💀
Happy New Year😍 Wansee😁
May this year be a successful one for you by receiving more subscribers.😊👍
lm new 😀😩
Congratulations with 500 videos
11:52 that’s a true story and also happened to me 😔
7:13 so sad 😔😔😔she took from her ,her diabetes medicine 😔😔😔
What’s the first song?
Im married
The part when the episode he sumon the demon it's hellbound bruhhhhhhhhhh
belated happy new year and merry christmas, waiting for this and many more. ^^
The stepmom story made me so angry I want to cry honestly
please match character genders with voice over. Its pretty confusing when you don't.
Gud jab
First story is korean drama hellbound
bro wansee never disappoints me but its even better wit sum sunflower seeds😄👍🏽