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May i ask what is the title of the first song with alan watts?
I Love You The Sound Project…Thank You for Showing Us the True Human Spirit and Compassion. 🕊🕊🕊🕊
Please make the music less loud so we can hear the speaker!
Thank you so much …!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what is the name of the song goes very will with the words from Alan Watt
Poor kitty. How did the dachshund get into that Grate .
Ein Herz zu Haben schadet nie
Dose diária de bondade adquirida com sucesso. Obrigado!
I love you all.
6:00 Poor kitty!!
And why do kittens always get stuck?
Bring the cat home with bad legs
Thank you the guy grabbing the have frozen ship in his tent. Thank you.
Here’s to the animals that unfortunately don’t get saved… 🍺
Ok, at 40 seconds there is a black orb, in the sky. Anyone else see this, or know where I can find the original? I would like to look at it a little better.
I've found a person who cares enough to help an animal of any kind will be a good friend as well.
Love it!
Absolutely brilliant it’s nice to know that you’re still compassion arrange for these poor animals to everyone in this video thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping the poor animal
I hope that Cat with the Front Legs looking broken is okay and got medical help.
What was pulled from the Snakes' Mouth? It looked like a Blanket.
"Compassions brings us to a stop, and for a moment we rise above ourselves."
– Mason Cooley
Alan Watts 👏👏👏👍
dude you need to get more people on this channel
The dog biting the rope and hanging on is freaking amazing!
Graças a Deus você chegou 👋🤝👏👏💯
Images réconfortantes. Nous en avons bien besoin ! Il n'y a pas que des pourris dans les humains.
One act of random kindness at a time 🙂