The latest information on the Marshall Fire as of 2:00 p.m. Friday.
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Thank you lady for saving your animals .someone was looking down on you .thats why your house was spared ❤️
someone set that fire is what I am thinking
Dew missed trees and cars melted?
LOL armoured humvees 😂
Climate Change: It's REAL. It's HERE. It's NOW.
Fasten your seatbelts. This is just the beginning.
This Will make your jaw DROP!!!! I bet my life on it!!!! https://youtu.be/hEwcSmgTMd8
I hope they get help
This tragedy, is the result of ongoing atmospheric global warming (AGW) and climate change. The USA West has been in a two decades-long hot drought that the scientists have been predicting for decaes. AGW has exascerbated the problem of warmer winters and pine beetle infestations that have survived in the milder winters turning the forests into tinder. The high winds just worsened the perfect firestorms. We have passed the tipping point for these types given their increasinf frequency and intensity – even in Canada! Expect mor of these wildfires in the future. We are well into Earth's 8th (at ieast) mass extinction and it includes us. -old geologist
🙋The Bible says these calamities are to become more and more frequent and disastrous. We're told by EG White in "The Great Controversy", Chapter 36 titled, "The Impending Conflict" that Satan wrecks hovac on the earth due to God pulling back from a world that rejects His standard of morality and denies religious liberty to its people. All the while, Satan, simultaneously inspires men to attribute the cause of these calamities to a violation of the COUNTERFEIT SUNDAY sabbath and that those who explain that the SEVENTH DAY (SATURDAY) is actually THE TRUE SABBATH of the FOURTH COMMANDMENT will be called troublers of the people preventing their restoration to divine favor and temporal prosperity… AND LO AND BEHOLD… in flows an enforced National Sunday Law and you can be sure religious liberty is dead.😥
Now you're looking at the "Mark of the Beast" and when the DEATH DECREE is legislated as a result you'll have to choose which side you're going to stand on before God settles the matter once and for all.
We're headed into hell on earth. Educating ourselves as fast as we can to stand in the day of God is paramount. Walter Veith on utube at "What's Up Prof? #72" should be required listening for the world. #72 is an excellent place to start for an intro into the issues hastily making their way into the mainstream under the cover of darkness.
I didn't even know what happened on this news piece I was too busy drooling over Erica
Omicron is a Global Calamity
In the name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful… From Allaah's caliph Al-Mahdi (The Guided One) Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani to the respectable President of the United States of America and all Leaders of the world and their peoples altogether, I am Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani whom Allaah has Chosen as His caliph on the whole world. And O Joe Biden, the respectable President of America, along with all Leaders of peoples in the worlds, what is your thought of Allaah, Lord of the worlds, if He had truly Appointed Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani to be His caliph on the whole world? Do you see that Allaah would accomplish His purpose?
And O Joe Biden, the American President, and O Leaders of the whole world listen to and understand what I will tell you with truth: If I were a liar, it would be to my own loss and no evil would befall you, and if I am truly the chosen caliph of Allaah among mankind and you refuse to submit and obey Allaah's caliph Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani; I swear by Allaah the Great, Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, and Lord of the Great Throne that He will make the so-called "Omicron" variant the mightiest in severity and punishment, among all the soldiers of Allaah in all His servants, for all the disbelieving ones, and He shall increase it [Omicron] in might with His Words of Power, the Word "Be so it is" and with that which you had not taken into account
Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani
27- Jumada I – 1443 AH
31-12-2021 AD
05:43 AM
[According to the official time of Mecca Mother of Towns]
Betty white not make out of 2021. Bad sign
They'll find some way to blame it on climate change, jackasses🤦♂️
Too bad the National Guards weren’t dispatched to fight the fires ! Protect🤨
No lines down does not mean the power lines did not cause the start of the fire. Lines whipping around in the wind and touching out can send sparks flying. And remain in tact afterwards. It would be rather difficult to know whether this was the cause, though.
💔💔💔💔💔💔💔My heart aches for these families. 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
Where's Biden? No where? He didn't know Colorado was in America? Blue states getting their just desserts.
The Grace of God no deaths