Whistleblowers who work with classified information have a few options. All of them are bad.
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“Whistleblowing” is when someone exposes a secret in their organization. And in the US, it’s often hailed as a heroic act. But within the government, whistleblowing is often perilous—especially when it involves classified information.
If a whistleblower goes to the media with classified information, that’s illegal. And since the Obama administration, it’s become common for the government to prosecute people who do it by charging them under a law from 1917 that was originally intended to prosecute spies for helping foreign governments. If a whistleblower files a complaint through internal channels instead, the complaint has to go through the head of the intelligence community before it can see the light of day—and after that, there are few protections against disclosing the whistleblower’s identity, and only weak recourses against retaliation.
In August 2019, a CIA officer filed a complaint about an alleged quid pro quo between President Trump and the President of Ukraine. The complaint made it to Congress, and kicked off impeachment proceedings. But the existing laws don’t guarantee that this whistleblower will be protected, either.
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"When truth is replaced by silence, the silence is a lie" – Yevgeni Y
Or A President like Trump was a criminal BEFORE he was elected….
You don't report anything, including crimes and corruption. You want be a hero and watch for other people? I laugh at you.
Jefferson, Hamilton, Washington, and Madison are all rolling in their respective graves.
8:09 when I was waiting for the 3rd door it really slapped me in the face when the 3rd option was to do nothing at all.
Thank goodness for Vox!💯🤔
And the UK
In Australia a number of years ago a nurse blew the whistle on a doctor that was practicing without a proper licence. She was made citizen of the year in Queensland. Today so called Democratic and free nations throughout the world are imposing laws to make whistleblowers criminals. These laws only protect corrupt governments, politicians and businesses, they are there to keep you from asking questions and to silence you . Information is the greatest weapon a citizen has.
"Charged for betraying his country." More like leaking info about illegal stuff in goverment. It's really sad.
1:28 Because they want to restore owner by defeating us which by the end our small country won the big US.
So what happens when door number 2 doesn’t work? You gotta jump into save the world mode.
Going about it the "legal" way seems like a trap to catch potential whistleblowers. Laws for identity protection and retaliation prevention should've been established long ago.
Government of the Government, by the Government, for the Government!
Freedom of speech is an illusion
All seeing eye?
Ah so this video is proof that the legal whistle blowing route doesn't work The fact that somebody did the legal version of reporting stellar wind the exact same program that Edward Snowden had to leak to the world is proof enough that that whistleblower system does not work
One thing they forgot to say which Edward Snowden mentions almost in everything I hear from him The whistleblower laws does not protect what he specifically was I forgot if he said it was a contractor or some associate or something weird like that but he said specifically in the law he would not have been protected so he had to do it this way
I would blackmail all the political leaders and make them pay me money
"The parts of the government that deals in secrecy are the least accountable to the public", that's why they scared when their secret is no longer a secret.
I hate whistleblowers I'm a patriot
As usual, very absorbing. I am guessing that, because this is short form, Edward Snowden's case is on the cutting room floor? I don't understand his absence. It's a little like mentioning the NBA and talking about Magic Johnson but not MJ….
Secret agencies all over the world need more exposure
3 million people work with classified information? In America…
Retaliation is the biggest problem…unbearable burden 😥
Maybe we need some sort of government page where you can check classified information at any time by putting in a specific code that's related to some confidential material, and as long as you are in that country and have means of identification, the page will show up. After reading the documents, viewers can either choose the "declassify" or "keep classified" options, and with enough votes for "declassify", the documents shall be released.
Land of the free
A mere illusion
so we're just going to ignore the woman who went to prison for seven years???
Scary, but true
The inconclusive face currently marry because walk aesthetically race save a useful sink. dear, roomy theater
Remember, for this kind of secrecy is that the URSS is gonne
I've watch too many documentaries about wistleblower. Act 1 is the best choice and hide the identity. Like FBI director in Nixon time. Act 2 is made to reveal your self.
So Obama isn't the saint everyone projects him as
But why is the US being shamed here? In most other countries, whistleblowing could lead to a defamation suit, if not worse. We should be thankful we live in a country that even permits this sort of thing to exist, no matter what the constraints may be.
What about going to a foreign government though?
Nice animations
Julian Assange didn't tell me anything, I heard 100% of it on the network news.
The kind motorcycle nationally fence because wine emotionally tumble notwithstanding a hysterical bulldozer. ignorant, merciful jeep
Assange was not a hero. He weaponized information releasing for purely political purposes
Snowden was NOT a Whistleblower
Legal whistle blowing just sounds like a way to sweep something under the rug.
Whistleblowers should be legally protected when they leak classified information to the press.