These 3 Bigfoot Sightings Aren't Uncommon on This Family's Property

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The team is meeting with 3 generations of a family who all claim to have seen Bigfoot. They say these stories date back to the 1700’s on their property.

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  1. Its ppl n families like these who disgust me to lie for fame wow let's b real qe can find a man hiding in a cave with thermal imaging from above but a so called Bigfoot can't be qow

  2. When will these people realise that no one with half a brain will ever believe these ‘off in the distance’ captures. After 20 years of looking at this Bigfoot business, and trawling through hundreds of videos, I have yet to see one even remotely convincing sighting on camera that can’t be passed off as a hoax or a mistake. I don’t want one of these things captured on camera, I want it captured for real and placed in a zoo so that we can all verify it. Otherwise, I believe none of it. Just as with UFOs, where until the day they capture a mothership on video (no photos) at 10 paces, I believe none of it. I work on evidence. This is jejune, despite every man and his dog having a smartphone. There might be something spooky going on with certain crop circles, though.

  3. Those of you who don't believe in it, good for you. You'll sleep better. The rest of this is for the rest of us so scroll on. For some reason the Bigfoots down South seem far more agressive than the Northern ones. You don't ever want to see one. They can kill and eat you and they are incredibly nimble and fast. I'm in central MA and I've twice heard animal calls at night I still cannot identify. It sounded like a really large animal yelling "whoooop" . Heard it at night behind my land and once at night on a friend's land the next town North of us. Lots of woods. I'm not saying it's Bigfoot but it's so far unidentifiable. I also own 30 acres in mid-NH. Any time I go out in the woods I am always armed.

  4. Finding Bigfoot is one of the most ridiculous shows I’ve ever seen.
    They must have gone to a sasquatch seminar or something and gathered the biggest fools they could find to assemble the crew.

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