I can not stop crying when rescue unloved, unwanted, dumped, and forgotten bait dog curled up on a garbage dump
Another unloved, unwanted, dumped, and forgotten bait dog. After a couple days of a bunch of amazing people searching for him, we finally found him curled up, with a female dog that I am 100% positive was watching over him. She led me to him after she heard me whistling and popped her head up, as if she was telling me that she had him and was keeping him safe! And yes, both babies were absolutely rescued…There is no way in hell I was leaving that girl behind. I can’t even get through writing this without crying because I just can’t imagine all that he has endured. This is, by far, the worst abuse case that I’ve encountered personally. About 90% of his teeth were pulled and the ones they couldn’t pull, they filed down, he has gaping infected wounds, that were disgustingly sewn up by hand because they obviously never took him to the vet since he was worthless to them, he had ticks the size of dimes all over his body, and the list goes on and on and on.
Special thanks to: Amanda Hulebak and Reggie’s Friends: www.facebook.com/ReggiesFriends
You can support here: www.paypal.com/paypalme/reggiesfriends
Venmo: 346-447-0731
Help more Animal click here: https://bit.ly/2V6WWre
If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. please contact my email: jamesruddypp@gmail.com
Thank you for watching!
#animalrescue, #rescuedog
What a beautiful blessing you are. Thank you and your dedicated group of givers.
Absolutely heartbreaking 🥲how can anyone be so cruel 🥲 thank god you have him please god may he always feel loved from now on 🙏🏻❤️
Quel chemin parcouru !!! De la souffrance extrême à la sécurité, la guérison, l’Amour d’une Famille et à la Joie et les jeux partagés 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
I am crying at well Thank you to the rescuers DOCTORS and foster mom for making him well and loved Thank you so much for adopting this beautiful precious baby Many Blessings to all The person that did this is cruel horrific evil sadistic monsters Karma will get them
OMG!! Wish I could have that beautiful baby.
I hope the end of this video shows how he is today. God love him. Please let him be ok.
I’m so glad you got that baby and make his life wonderful, PLEASE.
I can't imagine the pain this dog went through..pulling the teeth is horrible, the people who did this should endure the same kind of pain!
Damn the people who abandon animals are scum of the earth karma will catch up to them ass holes. God bless the people who rescues animals.
Poor fellow. Damned people that were cruel to him. Thank you for caring❤️
It never ceases to amaze me that a beautiful dog can be treated so cruelly – and yet still trust people. It was like Aniken KNEW that he was safe now. Those bast**ds who did such terrible, inhumane things to him deserve prison sentences. Long ones.
😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏thank you saving him
thank you so much for loving him.
Es increíble el cambio de un animalito cuándo son tratados con amor ninguno debería ser maltratado.los humanos cada día más crueles son unos malditos.
He looks so good ! Thanks for saving such a sweet dog.
Pobresito animal gracias por ayudarlo ningun perrito se merece ser maltratado de esa manera!!!
I see the buildings around them as they left those are cage fighting buildings, I pray they sent police to that place to shut them down, other dogs might be in buildings in cages, seen how they run those places those so called people are greedy, uncaring, monsters.
Why would they pull his teeth?
What a dog! This poor animal what he must of gone through! God bless his rescue and all involved in bringing him medical attention, nutrition, comfort and love! He was a broken animal, but now is in a loving forever home, healthy, and loved! No one will ever hurt you again, you are now safe! You have touched my soul, love you wendy
THanks you let us know!
People are viscious and cruel they will get their just reward "HELL"
Mam, you are an 😇
Can't stop crying how could any human do that thank god for people like you
Thank you so much for helping him. Love you
Thank you wonderful mom 1🤗🤗🤗🤗
Sick people sick world! Please Jesus!
What a Beautiful story. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!💞💞💞
thank you
Just 5 minutes with the piece of shit that did this to him just 5 minutes
Omg, this has torn my to shreds!! Thank God you were there for him!!! Bless you to eternity!!!
thank you for saving him…You're an angel guys..God bless you more.. i miss my Ripley boy..they are now relocating in Singapore with his family….
Omg Aniken sad story made me cry, poor fella!! What my heart is happy knowing all the love and support he got when rescued,. Enjoy your happy life Ian ❤️❤️❤️❤️
gratitude for rescueing and much love and healing and hopethey will have a forever lovely loyal family 🥰
So glad he is loved and in good hands 😇😇😇🐶
Mon Dieu pauvre bébé ! Quel beau travail il est tellement malade, vous êtes tous merveilleux ! Merci de tout mon coeur !
Obrigado por salvá-la! Deus os abençoe!
I cannot believe how some people can be so cruel like this 😭😭😭😓😓😓😓 thank you so much for helping her 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 my heart is crying so hard 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Top 👍 Hugs from cologne germany ❤ ❤ ❤
God bless ❤️🐾
I hope those people responsible for abusing that dog or using any dog as a bait dog, find themselves behind iron bars. I pray for that and for the hurt and in pain fur babies out there. Thank you so much for helping these babies.